Chapter 9

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Yeah large time skip
It was time for our final meal of the night. We all sat in our places and began to eat our so-called food. It was snake. "I have a rule against eating with with no legs or too many legs" Coco whined, "Oh, right, but you're fine eating something with two legs" Andre said. "For the last time, we didn't eat your boyfriend" Gallant snapped back, "Eat it or don't. No ones gonna force it down you" Mead exclaimed. "Adversity makes strange bedfellows and worse dinner companions. It's food, and we're starving. We should be grateful for the fruits of the earth" Dinah said trying to sound at peace, "Well, steamed snake soup is actually quite delicious. It was the centerpiece of a dinner that I attended at the Royal Court in Kuala Lumpur with Gina Lolabrigida" Evie said causing us to chuckle. As much as her stories were a bore, they were really the only thing keeping me sane in this hell hole.

Ever since the alarms went off stating that someone had crossed the perimeter of our bunker Ms. Venable and her support hadn't spoke out about anything. "So, who's in your office?" I asked, "I beg your pardon?" She asked me. "The alarms went off before. Someone came inside. Who else is here?" I asked, "All questions will be answered in due course. Eat" she said making all of us lift the lid off of our dish. But the snakes was no longer cooked. They were alive.

We all screamed in unison

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We all screamed in unison. Emily and Timothy went upstairs while the rest of us stayed together, "How in the fuck did they come back to life!" Gallant said in shock. "Well, snakes are a symbol of evil power and chaos from the underworld. Maybe the person who traveled here is simply Satan in a disguise" I said making myself laugh, "This is not a laughing matter!" Coco said freaking out. "Jesus Christ Coco, calm your shit" I said making her sit down. "Emergency meeting! Everyone take a seat in the library immediately" Ms. Venable echoed as she make her way through to the room, with the sound of her cane rattling on the floor. As soon as everyone was in the room she just stood in front of the fire almost like she was waiting for somebody.

Loud, slow, footsteps came into our senses as they walked towards us all. A man with shoulder length hair had arrived in our view. It was weird seeing someone new around here especially with the conditions going on outside. I could tell he would be malicious, intimidating, rude, anything to describe somebody with an evil nature. He walked towards Ms. Venable with a blank face keeping eye contact at all costs, his hands were behind his back. He stared at her until she walked away and stood in the corner beside Ms. Mead. "My name is Langdon, and I represent The Cooperative. I won't sugarcoat the situation. Humanity is on the brink of failure. My arrival here was crucial to the survival of civilized life on earth. The three other compounds— in Syracuse, New York, Beckley, West Virginia, and San Angelo, Texas— have been overrun and destroyed. We've had no contact from the six international outposts, but we are assuming that they, too, have been eliminated" he said in his monotone voice.

Something about him made me question myself. I had a gut feeling I knew him, but then again I've never seen him in my life until now. He was a stranger to me. He was slightly attractive I could give him that, but I wasn't here to be in a relationship I was here simply to survive. Plus I didn't want to be put on death row by Ms. Venable for anything to do with sexual contact. "What happened to the people inside?" Timothy asked him curiously, "Massacred. The same fate that will befall almost all of you" he said. "Almost all?" Mallory asked from the back of the room causing us to look at her, "In the knowledge that this very moment might occur, we built a failsafe— The Sanctuary" he said. "The Sanctuary?" Coco asked, "The Sanctuary is unique. It has certain security measures that will prevent overrun". "Excuse me, sir. What measures? Why weren't we given them?" Mead asked.

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