Chapter 12

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I woke up and got changed. I saw Gallant down the hall and was contemplating questioning him. "Gallant" I said walking over to him, "Nerissa" he said back. "I'm guessing you had fun last night Hmm?" I said poking fun at him, "Could you hear us?" He asked while smiling. "The walls are like styrofoam here, everyone here hears everything", "Michael came into my room last night and lets just say we did some things that not even a bible could save us with" he said excitedly. "How do you know it was Michael?", "During my Interview he asks me if I liked leather and he fucked me in a full body leather suit! You aren't gonna tell anyone are you?" He asked me. "Definitely not. The whole no sex rule sucks ass, I don't care if you fuck him or not. Just keep it down next time" I said causing him to laugh.

***After Dinner***
It was really late so I decided to get to bed. I was awakened by a knock at my door. I walked over and opened it to reveal Michael. "Nerissa I need to talk to you" he said in his monotone voice, "It's late, can we just do it tomorrow?" I asked. "What part of immediately do you not understand? I'll be in my office, you have 10 minutes" he said turning around to leave my room, "Can we seriously not do this tomorrow?" I asked slightly regretting what I said, he walked up to me leaving only a few inches away from our faces. "You have 10 minutes", "Can you make it 20?" I asked sarcastically. "Don't be smart, you wouldn't act like this if you were to be thrown outside", "Is that a threat?" I asked. He wrapped his hands round my throat, "Trust me, I could be saying a lot worse" he smirked. "L-let me go-o" I stuttered, "Oh be quiet, I know you like it" he said letting me go and left my room. Let's just say he wasn't completely wrong.

I walked down the stairs quietly to his office. While walking I heard the slow cane banging on the floor behind me. "What are you doing up this late Ms. Davidson?" Ms. Venable asked, "Sorry Ms.Venable, I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a walk" I lied. "Be quick, we don't need wanderers around here", "Yes ma'am". She walked away making me pick my speed up. I finally got to his office and knocked on the sliding doors. They opened to reveal him sitting down at his desk, he stood up and walked over to the leather chairs near the fire. "Come over here" he demanded, I was extremely tired and was definitely ready to say some things I would regret. Even him just looking at me was enough for me to peel over and die. He was just staring at me, there was a strange malevolence in his eyes— they were a light blue— that seemed to challenge, even threaten, me. "Tell me about yourself Michael, this ominous character almost doesn't seem real" I said folding my arms. "You see, I have a talent. Call it a kind of night vision of the soul. I can see into the dark places that people desperately try to keep hidden" he said.

"I don't have any dark places" I said shaking slightly, "Really? So even though you seem nice on the outside... why do I believe that you'd love nothing more than to pick up anything sharp enough to cut clay and slice my throat down to the bone? I'd say that qualifies, Nerissa. Wouldn't you?" he said staring down at me almost reaching into my soul. "Look, in my opinion you're intimidating. But that doesn't mean I want to kill you. You may seem spoiled, entitled, but... also slightly helpless. You seem like you're looking for someone, but you can't reach them" I said, "The old world lived under a set of rules. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shall love thy neighbor, etcetera, etcetera. Rules that were clear kind honored in the breach. I want a world without the hypocrisy, with the kind of people who wouldn't just eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree but who'd cut the fucking tree down and burn it for firewood. I think you're made for that world, Nerissa. I sense it in you" he said placing his hand on my thigh. "What world?" I asked, "The world that I plan on making into my own standards" he said leaving only a few centimeters from our faces and moving his hand slowly up my thigh.

I didn't know what he wanted, but if he wanted to control me as one of his "subjects" it wouldn't be happening today. "I may not have dark places but you do" I said, "And how is that?" He asked. "I guess you had fun with Gallant hmm? I asked him, "What are you talking about?" He said in confusion. "He said that you and him did some nasty shit, I heard it loud and clear too" I said, "Oh that wasn't me, Nerissa. But that's irrelevant, I need to see into your inner core" he said making me feel uneasy. "I want to leave" I said abruptly, "You're afraid. Aren't you? Of accepting who you are?" He said. "I don't know who I am", "What do you mean?". "Sometimes... I feel like there's someone buried inside me. Someone trying to claw their way out. Controlling what I do every second of every day. It's like a power within me that's wanting to beam out of me but it can't. My memory is blurry, I barely remember anything from my past" I said letting a tear roll down my cheek, "Why?". "I don't know. I just want to go" I said getting up from my seat speedily walked to the door. "Let me go" I sneered , "Dont be afraid, Nerissa. I'm offering you a chance to live".

"I said let me go! You're nothing a lascivious human being, who's filled with hatred and grief. I can smell your sorrow from a mile away" I yelled, "You have no clue what I've been through, because of everything that's happened in my life it has shaped me to be the person I am today. I may be a lascivious human being and filled with a lot of hatred and grief just like you said but when you deal with what I had to deal with then you would understand" He yelled. "And what was it that you had to deal with?" I scoffed, "Have you ever loved somebody, and not the pitty type of love I mean the proper love. The feeling of butterflies, smiling every time you see them. I didn't exactly lose the person I love but I did in a sense, they don't remember me, not even my name" he said making me feel sad.

"Where are they now?" I asked him, "I know where she is. But I think if I ever told her what happened to her she wouldn't believe me, and or wouldn't want to leave the life she has now" he said quickly wiping a tear from his cheek. As much as he seemed like a sociopath, the man had feelings. "I've never been in a relationship before, but I think you should tell her. She may not believe you at first, but as long as you have the truth behind it she'll believe you" I said as he walked towards me, "That's the thing Nerissa, you have been in a relationship before" he said making me feel confused. "No I haven't, I'm pretty sure I would know who I've dated", "Do you even remember telling me your name?". It then hit me that I had never told him my full name, yet he still knew. "How did you know my name then? Did Venable tell you" I asked.

"No" he said blankly, "Then how did you know?". "Because I'm smart and know more about you than you do yourself" he said walking over to me, "Get the fuck away from me, you're so arrogant holy shit" I said couldn't believing what he was telling me. "I'm going to tell you the truth" he said, "Bullshit. Do you really think that I'd believe a strange man who has just walked into our dear forsaken bunker? And if you excuse me I'll be leaving now" I said storming out of the room back to my room. What was he talking about, I know who I am. It was late so I decided it was best to go to sleep.
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