This is awful, my ass is literally in fucking college
I woke up during the night to awaken from a dream. I used to have feelings for Michael but not anymore, my mind was messing with me. Creating certain dreams with us together, some nice, and some too risqué to say out loud. Him touching me and me touching him, it wasn't a sight I wanted to have in my mind. I didn't want to think about him, I needed to forget him... I needed to drill it into my head that I didn't like him or his personality. He's malicious and rude and I don't want to be apart of any of his plans. I fell back asleep, wanting to make tomorrow a brand new start.I woke up and still felt horrible but I needed to be a new person. Hiding all my emotions under a purple gown I wore daily, but that wouldn't stop me from feeling the pain. "Good morning" Ms. Venable said as I smiled. I decided to go to the library, it would be quiet and peaceful in there. While staring at all the books on the shelf I got scared by Dinah speaking up behind me, "You look sad. Filled with sorrow almost" she said sitting down on the couch. "I'm just not feeling the best at the moment... that's all" I said to her, "Just know that I am here to talk whenever you want" she said as I replied with a smile. I eventually saw a book that came to my liking it was called, The Tribes of Palos Verdes
(Hehe ☺️). I had read through the book only to realize it was now time for our "dinner", this time Gallant was no where to be seen. "May I ask where Gallant is?" I asked Ms. Venable making the room go silent."Thats classified" she said making me roll my eyes. "You're beginning to sound like Langdon" I said bluntly, it was silent until some familiar footsteps made their way towards the dining room table. "What sounds like me Ms. Davidson?" He asked me, "Ms. Venable not stating the reason why Gallant isn't here, or in other words 'that it's classified'". "As I said before to you, some things just need to be kept secret Ms. Davidson" He said as I put on a forced smile. "What do you want Mr. Langdon?" Ms. Venable asked him, "I just wanted to say that before you leave this table I need Nerissa to stay behind" he said as he took the empty seat opposite me. I put my head down to eat but I could still feel his stare, it was like two sharp lasers going straight through me.
All of the others got out of their chairs except me. I didn't have time for his bullshit. As I tried to walk past him he grabbed my arm pulling me back. I got out of his grip and went into my bedroom, I went into the bathroom and splashed water onto my face trying to make myself calm down. As I walked out of the bathroom Michael was on my bed, "Did you enjoy those dreams last night?" He said tormenting me. "What dreams?" I said defensively, "Oh. The ones where I was fucking you senseless, does that ring a bell?" He said making me feel more mad than I was before.
"What do you want from me Michael? Why patronize me when all the others are wandering around aimlessly" I said starting to get pissed, "You're special" he said laying back on my bed. "I'm tired of this you'll understand soon bullshit, just tell me what I need to know and then get the fuck out of my life!" I yelled at him, but he brushed it off making me more mad than I was before. "You don't get it do you?" He asked me, "No I guess I don't you dumbass". "That boy. The one with curly hair. You had a relationship with him before the blast, you both loved each other a lot. He helped you and you especially helped him, even though his religious views were out of the situation you were his savior. You helped him get back on his feet when times were tough, just the thought of you could make his day twice as better" he said not showing any emotion.
"How do you know more about this boy than I do myself?" I asked him curiously. "I know more if you want me to tell you" he asked me, "Sure" I said in a suspicious tone sitting down on my bed. "He was evil you were kind, well, a little bit kinder than him at least. You told him things when you shouldn't have, you put yourself in danger for him and he did the exact same for you. He was broken, sad, lonely, etcetera and when he first saw you he became a whole new person... and you still love him now, but you just don't know it" he said wiping away a tear. "Did you know him?" I asked him since he knew so much about me and this mysterious boy, "Yeah I did actually. Let's just say we were very close" he said making me even more curious.
"Was he a friend? A family member? I want to know about him, he must know what my life was like before the blast. My memories are blurry, he can help me... that is if he isn't dead already" I said biting my nails, "He's not dead. He's actually alive and well, living a semi-decent life" he said making me excited. "Then let's go to him! There's no time to waste" I said before I walked towards the door, "Nerissa I'm not sure if you understand" he said to me. "I'm confused" I said sitting next to him, "You really don't remember him do you?" He asked. "No I don't, but what do I not understand Michael?" I asked him. He took a deep breathe before talking causing me to understand that it was serious.
"I'm the boy Nerissa" he said making me retrace my thoughts, "You're really funny" I said laughing at his joke. "I'm being serious" he said with a straight face. "You're a witch Nerissa, you have a coven, you have powers. You were put here under a spell to forget your identity by your supreme, you're going to think I'm lying but I swear I'm not" he said, "Thats bullshit. Witches and Warlocks don't exists" I said. "They do, and I'm going to give you everything you need to remember", "Swear to god?" I asked with my pinky out. "That's a bit of a stretch" he said leaning in closer to me. My stomach fluttered with butterflies as I leaned in too, he was almost irresistible. It all of a sudden came flooding back to me the girls, our coven, my powers, and most importantly I remembered Michael. He looked so different... and so we're his actions.
"Michael" I said letting a few tears flow as I hugged him, "I'm glad you're back" he said. "It's okay" I said making him smile, "Your hair" I said letting out a small laugh, "You don't even look like yourself" I wiped my nose, "I missed you". "As you could tell, I've changed. It seems as though my attitude and way of feeling things has been quite inadequate" he said with his hands behind his back, "Just because I'm coming back to my senses does not mean you need to treat me like the others. Use your attitude towards me all you want but just know that you'll get the same in return" I said through gritted teeth. "I'll treat you just like the others" he said, "Well if you do, that's not going to end well for you. You may be the most powerful man on this current planet but it doesn't mean I couldn't snap your neck with a flick of my finger" I said sternly. "No need for that, you're one of the elite. I'll treat you the best I can but still to the point where it's not suspicious" he said making me smirk.
I heard the noise of a slow cane walking towards my door. A knock landed on my door a few moments later. "Ms. Davidson, is someone in your room with you?" Ms. Venable asked from behind the door, "Nope, I'm just simply talking to myself" I said. "Open this door immediately" she said, "I'm-I'm getting changed". "Open this door, before I open it myself" I looked at Michael and he nodded. I walked over to my door and opened it, "Excuse me Mr. Langdon why are you in Ms. Davidson's room?" She asked him as he sat down on my bed. "I had more questions for her after our interview, so I decided to come up here and ask her what I needed ask" he said blankly.
"We do not condone sexual contact down here" she said, "Oh no, I would never date him in my life. Breaking rules is not on my forte Ms. Venable, especially with him. He will see himself out, we're almost finished" I said to her. "Good. This is why you're my favorite Nerissa, you always abide by rules" she said smiling at me. I closed the door and turned to see Michael right behind me. "So you don't like breaking rules hm?" He said smirking at me, "Depends" I said. "Well... breaking rules may not be on your forte but it's on mine" he said grabbing my neck and kissing me. The kiss got deeper and deeper as it went on, we fell back into the bed and you could definitely tell what happened next
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The Devils Love
FanfictionI can't be serious so there's not going to be a proper description, I have no clue how long this book will be. So technically you're just gonna need to read the book to see what happens