Chapter 5

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Sup bby, lemme miss you on your forehead 😉
This chapter is long as fuck, and I mean LONG so grab a snack and take care of yourself child
I walked through the doors to reveal all the girls sitting down at the table. "I see you've stopped socializing with your supreme boyfriend, and decided to talk to all of us" Madison said chuckling, "At lease I have one" I said sitting down beside Zoe. The whole time we had been watching Misty eat, it was really nice to see her again. "I'm starving. They don't serve solid food in hell" she said making us laugh. The doors opened revealing the white witch, "Hello, witches" she said. "Oh, my god. You called the white witch?" misty said in shock, we walked through to the library and scattered around the room. I went upstairs and looked down on everyone below. Baldwin played piano as she started to sing.

"This is for you, Misty" she said

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"This is for you, Misty" she said. The song fitted her so well, and we could all tell she was happy to be back. After a while, Michael appeared walking towards me. I could feel his stare, like a laser going right through a wall. I looked at him, trying to think of what he was going through his head. He came up beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered into my ear, "I'm sorry, and I'm not saying that to pass time. I can see why you think my plan to destroy the world is something huge and obnoxious. But just think. A world without Cordelia breathing down your neck, telling you what to do. Wouldn't that be nice?" He said making my heart flutter. I couldn't lie if I said a world without some of the witches would be a better place, but I was in a fifty fifty split.

I loved Michael, but I sometimes hated the witches. I was continuously back and forth ."I definitely overreacted and I'm sorry about that. I really do love you, and you've taught me that sometimes you just need to let go of the ones who cared for you. Your plan is going to be hard to achieve, but I trust you and I know you'll be able to do it" I said making him smile. I got distracted by Cordelia leaving the room with Madison following closely behind. "Hold on, I'll be back soon" I said going down the stairs. Me being curious I followed them without any hesitation. I walked towards the room they were in to be met by Behold standing outside. "It seems that your supreme isn't the quietest about her plans" he said making me raise my eyebrow in confusion. He motioned to come closer, as we both listened to their conversation together. "I'm going there to do what?" Madison asked. "Use your powers and all your training to find out everything you can about Michael" Cordelia said strongly, "Why?". "Because he's a danger to all of us", "You know Michael brought me back. Don't you think that I'd be, like, loyal to him or something?". "You're only loyal to yourself".

(Everything Madison did will be switched to Nerissa)
"When do we leave? Sorry, ladies. If eavesdropping paid money, I'd be richer than amazon" Behold said, "What did you both hear?" Cordelia asked. "All the best parts" I said, "And If you going to dig up dirt on one of my own, I'm going with you" He added on. "I travel alone" Madison said, "M'kay. Maybe I should just go to Michael, see what he thinks about all of this". "Why wouldn't you do that anyway?", "Maybe I have my own concerns about him". "Do you know something?", "Maybe just a gut feeling. A bad one". "Alright, you go together", "Umm no, if she's going I'm definitely not going" Madison scoffed. "Perfect" I said looking at Behold, "I claim the isle seat". "The destination" Cordelia said handing me and Behold the paper, "What's so special about this place?" I asked. "It's where it all began" she said.

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