Chapter 1

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Isabella's p.o.v.

"Okay class,it's almost time for lunch but before we go,I wanted to talk about something.As you know,one of your very own classmates was in a car crash last night.Well,it was Kayla McAllister.Miss McAllister is in a coma right now.The doctors say that their is a 50% chance of her waking up but a 50% chance that she won't..." That's it.My world is crashing down.My best friend is in a coma and might not wake up.Could this day get any worse? "Miss Keith,could i please see you after class?" I sigh and nod.Great,I probably failed a test or something.

When the bell rang about 5 minutes later,everyone started piling out but I stayed behind,hints that I had to talk to the teacher.Mrs.Garcia got up out of her chair and walked in front of me while I sat on the top of her desk, "Miss Keith,I noticed that your behavior has changed.You don't seem as happy like you used to be.Would you mind telling me whats wrong?" I run my hand through my brown,jet-straight hair, "Look,Mrs.Garcia,I appreciate the concern but...but what's going on is personal and I'd rather not talk about it right now." She sighed and pulled at the hem of her shirt, "Isabella,if it's your period-" "No,that's not it!My best friend is in a coma and might not wake up!My luck,she won't!You know,people all wonder what's wrong but the thing is,if I could trust you like I trust Kayla,maybe you'd know!" With that being said,I walked out the classroom,slamming the door behind me.

As the day progressed,I became weaker and weaker.This Anorexica is really kicking my butt.Anyways,I was at my locker when I noticed a piece of paper a few feet away.I picked it up to see a drawing of a taco who looked like a wrestler.I chuckle to myself as I start walking in the direction of the office to turn it into the lost and found.

While I was walking to the office,I saw a small signature at the bottom of the paper.I squinted closer and noticed the initials: K.B. K.B.???They sounds so familiar.Anyways,I headed over to the secretary, "Um,Ms.Green,I was wondering if there was any student with the initials K B?" She looks up at me,my reflection clear in her glasses, "Miss Keith,what is this about?" I gulp and placed the drawing on the desk,carefully sliding it over to her.She looked at it as a smile grew on her face, "Oh my,this is for my nephew Kirby." I grinned, "So you can give it to him?" "No," she said.I cocked my head to the side as she pushed the drawing back to me, "Your gunna give it to him since you found it.Besides,I bet he wouldn't mind getting his drawing back from a pretty girl like you." I smiled and took the drawing,heading back to my locker to find Mrs.Garcia there,waiting for me.I walked over, "Uhhh...Mrs.Garcia,what exactly are you doing at my locker?" She looked up at me, "Oh hello Miss Keith.I was just waiting for you so I could return something you left in my classroom by accident." She handed me a heart locket.My heart locket.I got it from Kayla.We have matching ones.

I took the locket and slipped it on,glancing back up at Mrs.Garcia, "Um ma'am,do you know any students that are named Kirby B?" I watched as she thought,her bright red lips pursed together tightly, "Well,is he Ms.Green's nephew." I nodded as she snapped her fingers, "I know who that is.His name is Kirby Buckets.Locker number 119.Why do you need to know this?" "You see,I found his drawing and I wanted to return it," I said as I pulled my sleeves down a bit.Mrs.Garcia smiled, "Return it to him anonymosly.But make sure to leave a note stating that you found his drawing and wanted to return it.Also,make sure to include your locker number as well.It will drive him crazy to find out who found it." I nodded, "But what if he stalks my locker?" "Take your books out and you can keep them in my classroom." she said as she handed me a piece of paper and a pen.Man,this lady sure is handy. "Now,I am going to head back to my classroom.I'll see you next hour after study hall." With that being said,she walked away.

I opened my locker and took out all my books,making sure to put the drawing in the notebook on top.I headed over to Mrs.Garcia's classroom and dropped them off,grabbing the notebook with the drawing in it.I walked to the library upstairs,with my booksack weighing down my shoulders.I opened the door and walked over to a table and sat down,getting ready to start on this note when I hear, "Guys,I lost my drawing of Macho Taco.I wonder if it's here." Oh crap,I better hide it.I quickly took the drawing and shoved it in my booksack,hopeful that no one saw.I took out a book as quick as I could and began to read when I felt a tap on my shoulder.I turn around to come face to face with the prettiest blue eyes ever.

I Was Wrong A Kirby Buckets FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now