Chapter 8

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With Kayla(She's out the hospital btw)

Kayla's p.o.v.

I am currently sitting outside on a bench at school,reading a book when I get a phone call.The ringtone belongs to my best friend Isabella.The song is Who Says by Selena Gomez.Anyways,I press answer to hear crying on the other side of the line. "Isabella,babe,whats wrong?" I can hear her panting for breath, "Kayla...he lied.He,he used me to get to,to you." I was so confused, "Who?Who used you?" "Kirby," she said and I could tell that she had tears in her eyes.She was choking up,I knew it by the way she was talking.Her voice cracking at the end of almost every word.She continued on before I could put a word in, "I feel like...I know,I know him and I know that in his heart,I know that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me.But I didn't realize that I...I-I'm feeling so confident and feeling so great about myself and then it just be completely shattered.By one thing,by something so stupid. *cries a bit* But then he made me feel like its my fault.I was in pain." (A/N:I know what Isabella just told Kayla came off of a Selena Gomez music video but it fit this so well so I put it in.There most defiantely are some errors but I was doing it by earshot.I give all credit to Selena and the producers of the music video :] )

I suck in a breath as I feel the rage rush through my veins.How dare he? "Bella,I'll straighten him out.Don't worry.Just...I know your Anorexia is getting worse but remember I'm here for you.Now,I've got to go because the bell is fixing to ring but...promise me you won't do anything to hurt yourself.I'm worried about you." "I promise and thank you for always being here for me," she says as a smile forms on my face, "You're welcome Bella.What are best friends for?Now,I'll text you later." "Okay,bye Kay" she says.I nod even though she can't see me, "Bye Bella." With that being said,I hang up my phone and walk back into the school,ready to bust this Kirby kid's ass.

With Kirby,Eli and Fish...

Kirby's p.o.v.

I look at Eli,anger rising in me, "Eli,why did you tell her that?She wasn't supposed to know!" "It just slipped out.I'm sorry but...she deserves to know," Eli said with guilt in his voice.I sigh in frustration, "Guys,we need to fix this." Fish looks at me with a raised eyebrow, "We?No,I think you mean YOU need to fix this." I nod and look down the hallway to see a familiar face.A very familiar face.Eli notices where I'm staring and his eyes follow when he gasps.I look at him, "What?Spit it out." "It's Kayla." I look back at the girl when I realize that it is her.I take a deep breath and make my way over.Here we go.

"Hey Kayla," I say as she turns and looks at me, "Hi...?" I smile, "I'm Kirby.I'm friends with your best friend." Her eyes narrow at me, "Oh,your the dude who made my best friend feel like shit.Look,I know you like me and I'm flattered" I raise an eyebrow,confusion washing over me, "No?No what?" She laughs a sarcastic laugh, "I'm not gunna go out with you.Especially after you hurt my best friend.And don't pretend to ask all innocent because I know that you know what I'm talking about.She told me everything over the phone just 5 minutes ago.And if you ask me to fix it for you,good luck with that because it is your place to fix it,not mine." I nodded and hurried off before she could do any damage to my face because it sure looked like she wanted to do that.

With Isabella...

Isabella's p.o.v.

I laid in my Aunt Jackie's guest room as pain showered my heart.I felt worthless.Like I wasn't enough for Kirby.I mean,he doesn't know about my eating disorder but still.He knows how sensitive I can be and how easy it is to break my heart.But that doesn't matter.Nothing matters anymore.Nothing at all.

Anyways,as I lay in bed,I recieve a text message.I look to see who its from when I see a name I honestly don't want to see: Kirby B. I sigh and open up the message which says:

Hey Isabella,I know your mad at me but I really need to explain myself.So,at 3 o'clock please come meet me at the park.Thanks,hope to see you there. xxKirby

I sigh and decide to not answer back.It is 1:30 so I have exactly an hour and a half to sleep.Once my head hit the pillow,I was knocked out into a deep sleep.

At 3 O'Clock At The Park...

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