Dreams Of 1921

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Joey sat up it had become a custom of hers to lay up late at night against her bed starring at the ceiling contemplating her life, her life as a reporter and her need to be listened to and respected how she wanted to be popular in the industry and how her need for a scoop had brought her into hell on Earth and face to face with the cenobites hellish creatures, that exist to cause pain in a hellish inferno those unlucky to open the box.

"Unlucky." The word made her mind, drift to the WW1 soldier to the one that helped her succeed to Elliot Spencer.

Her breathing became slower softer, as she thought of him that was when she heard it.

"Joey." The voice was familiar and a British voice it was Elliott's voice.

She opened her eyes only to find she was on the floor in a hut back in 1921 as Elliott had once told her she sat up and standing against the wall, was Elliot Spencer appearing the same as the last time they had seen each other she couldn't believe it he was right, there in the flesh, so to speak.

"Elliot is that really you I am so happy to see you I thought you had been sent to hell with Pinhead. " Joey said as she approached him her nightgown tracing the ground.

Elliott smiled and chuckled " Still, the same brave girl I remember and though I and he share a body once more I was able to use the last of my strength to send my soul to rest here in this dominion whereas you know I have power. " Elliot finished looking down at her he could see the confusion, pain yet it clenched of relief, as she placed her hand on his chest running her fingers along the soldier's jacket.

Joey felt the fabric clearly outdated from a time period she wasn't even alive in yet she couldn't deny her attraction to this man she couldn't deny the cenobites words any longer " You loved him, didn't you. ? " The words the hellish being had used to taunt her failure.

Joey looked up at him and she didn't know whether to show her intentions and to say what was on her mind.

" Elliott, I never got to say thank you for everything you did you, you saved me... I don't know how to say it but. " Joey said leaning in pushing against the soldier's body kissing him her lips brushing against his and maneuvering with grace the bottom of her nightgown covering his boots

" Joey. " Elliot muttered out as she pulled his tie to deepen the kiss and she stopped pulling away as he looked spirited away due to the previous interactions.

" I'm sor...." Joey started to say as she was pulled into a deep kiss by Elliott his arms embracing her figure her nightgown pressing against him his kiss was deep loving, passionate she figured it had been a while since anyone had touched him but wasn't their a female cenobite, that would've been pinhead's consort but his human side the true him hadn't touched anyone in what had probably been a lifetime.

Joey pulled him closer to her as she felt him lick her bottom lip her whimper gave the soldier ample opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth licking and playfully exploring every inch of her mouth she gave control over to Elliott quite easily.

"Elliott. " Joey breathed when she escaped for breath her face getting hotter and hotter.

'" Elliot, I, I'm in love with you I know it isn't ideal but I can't help it I love you. " Joey breathed flustered as she felt a craving building within her suddenly she was picked up by him and shown that indeed the feeling was mutual as he buried his face in her neck whispering sweet nothings into her ear stopping to place a couple kisses behind her ear she wrapped her arms around his neck.

" P..please, Elliot, please make love to.me. " Joey whispered to him and the British soldier simply replied by laying her on the huts twin bed.

She looked up at Captain Elliott Spencer he was on top of her his eyes like looking into an ocean she laid her head back against the pillow.

" Joey? " Elliot said stroking her face with his hand like he had when they met and repeating a line pin head often uttered but given the situation was perfect.  "What's your pleasure? " Elliot asked.

~ a hellraiser fanfic ~ { Elliot Spencer & Joey Summerskill}Where stories live. Discover now