Cravings Right?

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Joey didn't remember falling asleep but she woke up in bed Elliot beside her assuming he carried upstairs she yawned sitting up in bed she felt hungry putting her hair up into a messy bun as she trudged downstairs into the kitchen opening the fridge she overlooked her options and noticed a steak she took it out setting it on the counter she started to open the package but didn't remember when she started eating it raw the juices running down her chin as she consumed the meat her eyes black at this moment.


Joey turned to see Elliot standing before her having just woke up.

He kneeled down to her she seemed almost feral and animalistic and she growled he didn't know what was happening to her perhaps Xipe knew.

Words flashed through Elliot's mind " You will be two as well by the time we're done. " Elliot knew this must be what was happening her cenobite side but she hadn't endured adequate torture to become a cenobite then what was she now cenobites weren't demons they were the merging of souls but what would their children be.

Joey looked at him eyes black but confused as she tilted her head crawling to where he kneeled in front of her as she reached out her hand to bring it to his face cupping his cheek a tear dripping down her face she whimpered.

She sobbed at his feet and whimpered her lip quivering.

" D..d..don't leave me please ell..iot I love you. " Joey whimpered

Her hair now a sticky sweaty, mess falling halfway out of its bun then Elliot leaned forward to remove it the rest of the way and hugged her tight she whimpered.

"What's happening to me? " She asked as he was helping her up and to the couch, in the living room she was scared horrified for that matter she was pregnant with a half-human half inhuman she didn't know how to describe the cenobites they were truly in the realm of both angelic and demonic.

" I believe you are starting to feel the effects of your pregnancy especially earlier as you are carrying twins I don't know if this was apart of Xipes plan but I am sure he won't allow harm to come to your body. " Elliot explained as he helped her down sitting right beside her as she pressed her palm to her forehead.

" Joey. " Elliot said taking her hands into his she looked at him her eyes clearly still black but her animalistic demeanor completely gone.

" Joey, I love you I won't let anything happen to you I swear on what's left of my soul." Elliot finished as he squeezed her hands trying to be reassuring.

"Even if I'm monstrous? " Joey asked gazing him down with her now slightly brighter eyes.

" You'll never be a monster besides you'll always be beautiful to me. " Elliot answered stroking her cheek as he leaned in kissing her and she melted into it with much enthusiasm as she pulled him down on top of her trying to get as much closeness as she could.

Every touch was loving soft and caring and comforting and her breathing soft but breathy.

It was much more intense then it had been in the past the other times it was in dreams or a threesome blood pact this time it was just them and she felt secure safe and loved, adored.

While yes there were obvious things that would cross the mind of an outsider him being significantly older than her having been born in the 1800s, but physically he wasn't much older and the generation gap wasn't unnerving to Joey, in fact, she found it quite charming even Xipe had noticed their bond upon their final confrontation before  " You loved him didn't you." Those words spoken by the hell priest rang true she had loved Elliot then and she loved him now she wondered if the cenobite would keep good on his promise as of now she knew he would if he wanted the child but twins had not been part of the arrangement maybe he would let them keep one of them, after all, he only needed one heir that was the deal.

Joey felt safe as safe as one could be whilst apart of a blood pact but she knew Elliot would protect her he promised he would as the father of her children she knew he would keep them safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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~ a hellraiser fanfic ~ { Elliot Spencer & Joey Summerskill}Where stories live. Discover now