Toe sucker

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Hi my name is Ellie.  I'm 17 and I'm in my senior year of school.  All of my life I've lived in Illinois with my two parents and my older sister.  I love basketball and I have been playing ever since 3rd grade.  My school is really weird so yes I have to play on the boys team. You would think it's the worst.  I can say I have mixed feelings about it.  I have to be the best of the best and be better than the rest.  That's what my dad always tells me.  On the bright side I have met so many really close friends on my team from the past 4 years and I'm really lucky.  No, I don't have a boyfriend, yes I'm very tall, and no I don't have lots of friends that are girls.  I have probably 5 close ones and I'm happy with that.  There is Emma, Ava, Dia, Aaliyah, and Sydney but we call her Syd.  Yes, those are probably the only girls I get along with.  These girls don't have a meltdown over a broken nail or when their clothes are ruined.  They are normal, well for me.  Out of us six only half of us play sports.  Emma is a dancer. Ava plays soccer, and I play basketball.  Sydney is more into theater, Dia is the smart one and Aaliyah is more we'll we don't really know but she's really good with boys.  Out of our group I'm the mom.  I don't drink and I've never done anything really bad I don't know it's just not like me.  Sydney and Emma are really irresponsible when it comes to drinking so I will sometimes come with if they drag me to a party and I will drive them home.
"Ellie it's time to go"
"Okay mom one second" I said as I put my shoes on.
"Okay I hope you have a great day love you bye."
"Bye mom."
Emma was already outside here to pick me up
"Come on you hoe we're going to be late." Syd yelled behind Emma
"Okay okay" I said while getting in the front seat
"Why do you always get the front seat?" Syd asked annoyed
"Well you are 5'2 and I'm 6'1 so I think you can be quiet and stop right there little one" I said.
We picked up the rest of the girls and drove to school.  When we got there I saw this car. It was beautiful red on the out side with white leather seats.  I just looked at it in awe.  Then a boy interrupted my thoughts and said
"Hey bubbles, are you just going to stare at my car or what."
"First of all don't call me bubbles and second of all I wasn't staring at it. And I need to get going so bye." I said. I didn't get a great picture of the boy but he was taller than me he probably stood at about 6'5. He had blue eye and blonde hair.
The days went on and it was pretty boring but it was finally lunch.
"Noah" I screamed I ran towards him and then gave him a big hug.  Noah has been my best friend for ever we did everything together he was on vacation so I couldn't really see him this summer. I really did miss him a lot. Eww it's not what it sounds like. I would never have feelings for this boy, he's like my brother.
"Hey brat"
"Fine you win" he said as he sat down at our table. The people at our table were Noah, Dia, Me, Ethan, Jacob, Ava, Syd, Aaliyah, Ayuish, Andrew, Emma, and Jamal. I sat next to Noah and Ethan. All of the boys I know are from basketball besides the one I met today with the car but I don't know his name.
Then I saw him, there was a crowd of girls around him and he rolled his eyes I could tell he was annoyed. We made eye contact. His blue eyes felt like they were staring into my soul. Then I gave up and just went back to eating. I could feel the smirk on his face and I just wanted to smack it off.
"So there is a party tonight does anyone want to go."
"Everyone but me said yes."
"Ellie come on it will be fun, it's a Friday."Syd said.
"No my parents would never say yes."
"Just say you're going to hang out with me."Noah said
"Fine."I wasn't in the mood to argue today.
"Well now we need a designated driver."Andrew said. Everyone looked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"What if I want to drink,"
"Ellie come on we all know you're not going to,"Ethan said
"Okay but just know I'm not doing this again,"
"Yeah of course not," Ethan said
"Hey!" I said as I hit him.
"Okay okay stop that hurts why do you have to be so violent,"he screamed while everyone else laughed
I felt a person come up behind me.
"Hey, bubbles I never got your name."he said
"Yeah, and you never will," I said annoyed. He got really close to me. His hot breath on my neck and whispered in my ear.
"Wow you're a feisty one," he was close enough so I slapped him and he started laughing.
"My names Ryan bye bubbles," he said as he walked away.
"Oh m god what was THAT!" Aaliyah practically screamed from across the table.
"It was just some jerk" I stated
"Nu-uh that was some sexual tension."
"Oh my god are you kidding me he is just some ugly man whore."
"Yeah sure."
"Okay next topic."I said

Word count: 990 words (in this chapter)
Hey guys this chapter isn't very long because it's basically the introduction. Bye bye everybody ehh 🥰

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