This is a story about a girl. She plays basketball can sing(but likes to hide that talent). Has a loving older sister, some really good friends, two "great" parents. All around she lives a pretty good life. Until some things happen. The girls na...
It's the time of the party. You are getting ready with the girls "No,no,no I refuse it. You are not putting me in a dress or heels or makeup or any of that stuff." "ELLIEEEEEE" they all complained in unison. All of her were wearing matching dresses but different colors and skinny black heels. The dresses were short and tight. I was tall and didn't want to show my legs so it was scary. They gave me my favorite color blue but I didn't want to look like a slut. That's when Ava walked up to me and started yelling. "Ellie I swear to god if you don't wear this dress I'm going to... to... to kill you." I started laughing and she had a really serious face put on. "Fine but I hate you all and I'm still wearing gym shoes with tights under the dress." They all groaned but agreed after a little bit of bickering. To be specific they were just some black Nike's. At least I wasn't going to wear my Jordan's.
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See I told you the dress was slutty. Anyway we went to the party and met up with the boys. This house was huge and i mean HUGE people were everywhere. This house was a fricking mansion. I could tell that some of the boys were already drunk. Jacob, Noah, Ethan, and Jamal. All of my friends are really flirtatious when they were drunk. Only Ethan and Jamal usually hit on me when they're drunk. But I also never wear stuff like this to a party so it's going to be funny to see what happens tonight. "H-hey Ellie." Noah said "Hello Noah." "Wow you n-never wear s-stuff like t-this." "Yeah I know the girls forced me to." "Oh w-well okay b-bye." He said and left. I felt an arm snake around my waist. Of course it was Jamal he was definitely more of a handsy flirtatious person. "Hey mami." "Hello Jamal." I said as I laughed "We should dance." He picked me up and I was laughing so hard. "Jamal put me down." "Why mami?" "Because just do it." I warned him "Alright alright." "Good bye." I said as I laughed Oh god next I talked to Ethan he was very drunk and I could smell it. He was SO flirtatious so I was gonna have fun watching this. "Hey princess thanks for the cake but it's not my birthday." He said as he stared at my ass. "Thanks for the complement Ethan." "Woah I know you?" "Yeah, yeah you do." "Well then what's your name?" He asked "Ellie." I said and laughed "W-wait you-your Ellie." "Yes Ethan." I said "Damn you can sure clean up good." "Thank you, now go harass another girl with those cheesy pick-up-lines." "Woah, what if I want to try them on you?" "I don't know do you." "Do you?"He got really close to me and I tried to hide my laughter "I could have you screaming my name by the end of the night and that name isn't Ethan." I couldn't take it I let out my laughter and said bye "Go-good bye Ethan." I said while laughing "Bye I guess." I walked around with Dia for a bit and eventually she left me so I was walking around alone when I found a room. It had a huge bed and looked really comfortable. I was getting tired anyway so me being the idiot I am went inside and layed on the bed. I was there for a while just on my phone until I heard a voice. "Hey bubbles can you get out." "No I'm tired."I said rolling over to face him "W-what?" He asked in disbelief "No seriously." "Nooooo,"I whined like a child. " okay this is my house so can you get out of my room." I immediately stood up "Oh sorry I wasn't really paying attention." "Yeah I could see that." "Can you not act like a complete douche for one minute." "Bubbles look I'm really not in the mood to have se- "Woah who said I wanted that." "Your dress says it all." "Trust me it wasn't my idea to get put in this but you really shouldn't be judging girls like that." I said slapped him in the arm and opened the door. That boy made me mad Ryan's POV I wasn't really feelin the party scene so I went back to my room and I found a girl laying in my bed on her phone. Damn that ass though. Woah that dress was short and tight and those legs were just so long and I could definitely just-nvm. Too bad she was wearing tights. She looked kind of like your typical party girl but I could tell it was more than that. She looked really comfortable and I'm guessing parties weren't really her scene. Instantly I knew it was bubbles. I should really get her name. I called her bubbles because she was blonde and obviously liked blue. She seemed really sweet but when you know her or mess with her she will kick your ass. Like the Bubbles from the power puff girls. I asked her to get out and we got in a mini fight. Damn that never happens girls usually just throw themselves at me. She seems different i guess.
Back to Ellie's POV cause why not After I left his room he followed me and asked "Hey bubbles but seriously what's your name." "Like I'm actually going to tell you." He grabbed my arm and pulled me in tight his breath on my neck. "Bubbles what's your name." "Ellie thank god I found you" Dia yelled from across the hall "Ellie huh see you around." He whispered then just left "What was that!?? She asked excitedly. "I have no idea he's so annoying." "Oh sure let's go back downstairs." "Aaliyah come over here." Dia yelled ugh not again "What?" "Ryan was eye fucking Ellie." "No no no it wasn't like that he was just being a douche." "Yeah right did you see the way he looked at you." "I'm not understanding." Aaliyah said "Okay so I went into a room because I was tired and it turned out to be Ryan's and he asked me to leave and I said no because I was comfortable and then when I tried to leave he pulled me in closer to ask for my name and then Dia stupidly yelled it out so now he knows ." "Oh" was all she said. It was around 1 a.m and I was getting really tired since I was the driver like usual. I went into my car and waited for everyone to pile in. I drove everyone home and then Sydney Ava Dia and I hung out at my house. My mom was on a trip with her sister and my grandma while my dad was working the night shift at the hospital so it was just us. We watched some Disney movies and ate some food. After about 2 hours we were all asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ word count: 1047 Hey guys I hope you like the story so far luv you all-A/N