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The target comes down one after another and finally, I had my last bullet on and bang, bullseye. I smirk while straighten my posture and the clerk eyeing me angrily as he told me to pick a present. I was about to choose when suddenly I notice a presence beside me.

"Wow, how did you do that!" the kid said while his eyes sparkling showing how innocence he is. I smile at him and cross my arm across my chest.

"My great, great, great grandfather taught me and you should learn it from yours" he slumps his shoulder and sighs in defeat. That caught my attention quickly.

Obviously what I said was an obvious lie.

"What should I do? My grandad died last week." He said while I swallow my whole saliva and blink repeatedly. That is the last thing I expected coming from his mouth.

"Well, how about this. You got to choose any of the present in here and 10 tickets to shot here?" I said and he shows how excited he is when he jumps up and down happily while nods his head repeatedly.

I place the money on the clerk who now smiling at me. I ruffle the kid's hair and make my way to the other attraction. I settled on a food stall and stare into the beach, I was thinking of a lot of things and not even one thing makes any sense.

I was so lost in thought when a kid suddenly starts crying in front of her mother. Seeing her cry make my heart ache even more. I remove my gaze elsewhere and suck in my breath.

Crying won't change anything. I learned from experience.

My phone ringtone brings me back from reality and I check the caller identification, Mom.

I am not in the mood for any drama so I dismiss the call and check a thousand of the message left unread. Some of it is from an unknown number claiming I was his friend and his mother is sick and in need of a lot of money but what caught my attention is a message from Andrew.

'You miss the carnival' I smirk and read the rest of the text. 'I won't call you but if you do read this message, call me.' I called him swiftly and wait patiently when a cold breezes brush my hair. I shudder for a second then someone picks up on the other line.

"Hello?" from the tone of it, I know for sure this is not Andrew. Leaving the sudden ache on my heart I ask who is she and the next word makes me stunned.

"This is Everly and the owner of this phone is using the bathroom for a moment."

"Ev? What are you doing over there?" I grab onto my shirt tightly waiting for her. There was silence for a minute then she spoke up.

"Well, I spend the night here and he brings me to the carnival with him." She seems to be in a better mood "I don't know you had a friend like him, oh, he's here. Bye" she ended the call and this time I could not ignore the pang in my heart.

Why am I so upset about this?

After a second, I received a text from my mom asking me to meet her. She has been calling me nonstop since the last incident and somehow I kind of pity her. I have been witnessing my dad turning his anger on her sometimes when I was a kid, but I was powerless then.

I am weak.

"What is that thing on your bloody hand?" my dad asked me when I rolled up my sleeve to wash the dishes. I raised an eyebrow and inspect my arm.


"Isn't it beautiful? I have it done last..." out of nowhere he slaps me on my left cheek leaving me flabbergasted as I caressed my cheek. I stare at him with fear but soon I overcome it with rage.

"You should have known, I don't accept this kind of act in this household"

"Why do you care?!" I scream at him and my mom from upstairs come rushing down to my aid. "you don't even care before so why now?!" I spat furiously and my dad comes at me intended to beat the living shit out of me.

I was now trembling and take a step back and my mom who has been beside me, hold his husband hand trying to calm him down "Drake, you can't do this. You will regret it!" she pleads and my dad shoves her aside roughly making her head hit on the floor.

Blood flowed through my mom's forehead as I stare at her in shock. My dad who does not notice her injured comes at me full force while I cover my head on the ground. My mom who seems to gain her conscious comes to my aid and begs her husband to stop.

My dad, who now beat anyone in front of his sight seems to ignore everyone pleads as my younger sister watches from the corner, trembling in fear.


I stare into my arm which had a memory of when I first got a tattoo from my hardworking money. After the incident, my dad arranged an appointment with a doctor to remove it. I was going to revolt but keep it to myself since I don't want to bring any harm to my sister or mom.

My mom called me again while I was walking to my bike, I decided to answer anyway since I want her to clarify everything and maybe fix all of this thing. Dragging it would not bring any of us good.

"Hey, mom" I greeted her while settling down on my bike.

"hey, sweetie" my mom greeted me back. Her voice sounds hoarse and sad, and that brings me back to reality. I don't want her to hurt and feel unhappy, I decided to move out from home just because of her.

I don't want her to hurt because of me.

"How are you?" she said a little weak this time. "I miss you" she whispered softly then I heard a sniffling sound from the other line. "Ha, I'm sorry" she seems to wipe her tears as I trying my hardest to fight my sorrow.

"I'm fine, why do you call?" I ask a little bit of straight-forward.

"Let's meet" she sounds firm this time "we need to talk, face to face," I think for a second before agreeing for meeting her. I still have my doubt and I don't want to feel hurt over again but things need to be done.

I drive my bike to the agreed location and order some drinks while at it. I was taping my leg when my mother shows up in front of me. She had a swollen cheek which she desperately trying to cover it from caressing her cheek from time to time.

"So, I heard it from Ev about your decision. I know it's hard but please bear with it" I smile at her but she knit her eyebrow in confusion.

"What decision?" she asks which makes me stare at her for the longest time.

"The divorced."

"Wait, what?" her face comes to a realization for a minute and she reluctantly averts her gaze. "I think you misunderstanding something" I stare at her with both my eyebrow raise, conflict.

"I only said it at the spur of the moment, but I just can't do it" I scoff and slump on my chair.

I can't believe this.

"Honey, you need to understand"

"What do I need to understand?" I snap at her "I tried, well I did but what do I get? Nothing" I shake my head at her and shut my eyes to reminisce about the situation. She slowly places her hand on mine and gives me her empathy face.

"You know I can't do this. I love him but I come here today not to discuss this. I want to tell the truth about you" I grip on my drink and stare at her. A sweat drop from my forehead as she slowly opens her mouth.

"You are not my actual daughter"

A.N: please vote, love you -3000

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