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"I'm not going on my damn knees and beg forgiveness"

"I didn't come here for that" Andrew sit beside me and cover my body with his black leather jacket "there must be something ticked you off just like how you saved me back then. It was unexpected." he smirks.

"I just said a thing, I never have done shit." I laugh at him while tugging on his jacket. The snow on my head being removes by his warm hand. Well, the last thing I expect today is snowing when I was in a rage.

The weather does read me sometimes.

"Because you said a thing" he exhales the cold air and the way his body trembling is quite obvious for my liking.

Well, I am glad there is something that remains unscathed.

"I'm a cold blood person, everything that I do will leave an inconvenience to the other. And somehow I kind of stay warm because all of this rage" I grip on my knuckle at the last word.

Obviously, it is a lie.

"Really?" Andrew seems shocked by my account. His eyes become wide as he trying to reminisce about the situation.

Just look how cute he is.

"So, this kind act won't make my heart flutter" I returned his jacket to the right place while he on the hand turn beet red.

Is it that cold?

Andrew was about to say something when suddenly my Darth Vader ringtone interfere with him. I pick up my phone just to hear a trembling voice from my younger sister. I stood alert on my spot and ask her what is wrong.

"I ...I want to meet you." She chokes on her sob.

"Where are you?" I ask her with a serious tone lace on my voice.


"Wait for me, I will be there in a minute" I end the conversation and rush to my motorcycle leaving Andrew who has been calling for me. Ignoring the speed limit, I finally make my way to the playground.

I drop my motorcycle and frantically search for Everly. Her figure is noticeable from this spot so I run to her worrying to my death if something happened to her.



I can't even think straight.

I walk to her and stood in front of her while she chokes on her sobs making my heart tighten in my chest.

"What's wrong?" I ask while kneeling in front of her and she tilts her head up to meet my eyes. Her eyes are swollen and a snot flow from her nose, her face is a mess. She shakes her head with a tear roll down her cheek.

"Ev, you have to tell me what happened so I can't lose my shit and murder someone." I tighten my grips on her knees and her eyes finally meet mines.

"It was about dad" she chokes on her sob while I was trying my best not to beat the shit out of someone. I clench on my fist and grit my teeth. "He loses control, I don't... know what to do" right now she was trembling mess as I hug her tightly.

Giving her a soothing word while at it.

"He also took the money" she grips on my shirt as she nuzzled her face on my shoulder.

I mutter the same words over and over again until her crying has been subsided.

"I'm sorry"


"What have you been thinking?" I slam my hand on the desk when my mom walks away from me.

"It is not what you think it is" she tried to assure me. She stood rigid on her spot as her hand caressing her arm. Eyes away.

"Then, what have I been thinking?" I sigh in defeat and rub my temple. Her posture seems suspicious the longer I stare at her. I don't waste any second and grab her face softly yet firmly. She was hesitant at first then give in, upon seeing a large bruise on her left cheek I smash the nearest vase as it shattered into tiny pieces.

My mom shrieks for a second and stares at my wide eyes. "Have you lost it?!"

"Yes!" I shout at her face so loud that she keep her mouth shut.

"You aren't sane"

"So, are you. So, please help me god leave his sorry ass and treat your daughter right" I grip on my fist to suppress my anger just so anyone does not get hurt today.

"I'm trying ok. I'm trying to fix all of this" she slumps on the chair as she faces palm herself. "If only I didn't..." she sighs as a tear roll down her cheek.

"You didn't what?" I pressure her when suddenly the front door opens and my dad shows up.

Speak of the devil.

"Well, fancy meeting you here." My dad speaks even though he knows so well how bad the atmosphere is and the cause of all of this uproar. I clench my fist as I stare dagger at him.

If a look could kill.

"So, what brought you here? Daughter of mine or should I say an outsider?" he raised an eyebrow "since you know, you cut ties and all"

"Whose fault it is?"

"Mine?" he laughs while my jaw trembling from suppressing all the anger in me. "You're the one decided that don't put the blame on me" he leans on the doorframe with his arm across his chest.

I sigh in defeat since all of this shit brings nowhere. "So, where is it?"

"Used it" he stared at me like I gain the money from the tree.

How easy.

"I need that money since someone decided to cross path with me," he said as he stares at my mom.

"Drake!" my mom yells like it is a big of a deal.

"What does he mean?" I ask my mom who just had guilt wash over her face. She plays with her finger while staring at me, trying her best to muster the best word to ease me. "Mom," I called her firmly as she trembling mess.

"Isn't it about time anyway?" my dad suddenly voice his though as I keep on staring at her "you keep it long enough"

"Wait, just give me a second to explain this," she said to my dad and slowly make her way to me. She glances elsewhere then meets my eyes. I, on the other hand, knit my eyebrow waiting patiently for her to speak.

"Jess, do you know how I always love you no matter what?" she asks while I smirk.

"Get over it."

"One day, when your dad and I kind of had an unstable relationship. There is a man who comfort me through it all" my dad scoff as I shake my head in disbelief.

No way, please just don't.

After all, I have been through.

"It was a mistake. It was my fault, blame it on me" she said with a tear while hit her chest repeatedly. She was trying to touch my hand and I swiftly push it away. I stare at her dumbfound and laugh.

Yes, I am laughing.

Everything is just so fucked up so let laugh it out.

"Do, you have the slightest idea what I been through?" I said with grit teeth.

"Oh, Jess"

"Do, you!" I scream at her as now a tear roll down through my cheek. "I don't give a fuck if it was a mistake but mistreat me? That's fucked up! How could you!" right now I was shivering from all the rage and the blood would not stop dripping from my hand. (The vase earlier)

I had a million questions in my mind but before I knew it, I was on my motorcycle and drive to where my mind could bring me.

I'm not mad

But, I'm hurt. 

A.N: please vote, love you -3000

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