Chapter 7

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"You love me?" I asked softly, blinking a few times in confusion as I looked up at him.

"Charlee, oh," said Evie after opening my door dramatically loud.

"Sorry to interrupt this, whatever this is, but we have a problem. Chernabog is back." Mal said, as the whole gang was with her.

"Well then lets go," said Wyatt, quickly, breaking our eye contact and walking out swiftly.

I made sure to close my door behind me, the notes and hateful messages scattering throughout the hallway.

"Sorry to interrupt, whatever that was," Evie whispered to me as we walked down the hall, but I gave her a small smile.

"It can wait. We cannot be late," I told her as we slid down the stairs, quickly making it outside to where Chernabog was flying.

It was in the main courtyard, and I could see many students staring from the windows, wanting to know what was happening without getting in the way.

He had an army of demons surrounding him, and he let out a cackle when he saw us.

His demons created shadows, their firey eyes standing out of the black mass.

"Coming back for more kitten?" He asked with a mocking tone.

"You will not win. It is as if you are in a can made of tin." He glanced around at this, and saw that he was surrounded by some soldiers, as well as students who wanted to fight.

Fairy Godmother rushed outside, holding her wand and staring down the demon.

She could probably get him to surrender by giving him a stern talking to about not giving back library books.

That woman could be scary when she wants to be.

Wyatt quietly turned into a rabbit, going to place his rabbit hole somewhere. 

He let out a cackle, staring at all of the people gathered as if they were nothing more than ants.

"You really think you can beat me little kitten? You had to be saved by your little dragon friend last time, if I am not mistaken." He said, his booming laugh echoing.

"If you are as you declared, than you should not be scared," I replied, starting to float into the air.

Mal switched forms into a dragon, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Wyatt placing the rabbit hole. 

He put it on a side of the school that was in shadow, and I put the image in Mal's head.

She gently nodded to me, and I changed into cat form, going invisible.

"Oh tiny kitten, wherever did you go?" He asked, before Mal flew into his eye level, breathing fire into his face.

He batted her away, around twice the size of her.

I floated beside his ear, gently whispering.

"You won't win."

He jumped, his clawed, taloned hands trying to find me.

I switched to the other ear, once again going to whisper in his ear.

"You can only summon, when its you fighting you'll go runnin'." I whispered once again, and he  swatted again.

"Stop! Little kitten you are wrong! Show me yourself, and I'll prove it to you!" He bellowed, shaking the ground slightly.

It shook my position in the air, and I bumped against one of his huge ears.

"I found you kitten!" He yelled, grabbing my small form with two of his fingers.

I made my form appear again, staring at him as he put me up close to his face.

"You really thought that you could stay hidden from me forever kitten?" He asked with another cackle, before Mal swooped in, grabbing me from him.

"You want her Chernabog? You are going to have to come and get her!" Yelled Mal, who started to fly towards the wall that had the rabbit hole on it.

I was held in her claws as she flew, gaining speed as Chernabog followed us, his huge, batlike wings flapping in the sunlight.

Mal turned at the last second, but he didn't see it coming, going right through to the Isle.

The only problem with Mal turning so fast is that she hit the wall beside the rabbit hole, and accidentally dropped me.

I hit my head as I fell into the dark corner, blacking out.

Mal's POV:

I watched Wyatt close the portal, returning the marble to his bag.

My huge purple wings flapped as I landed on the ground, so happy that I wouldn't have to worry about him again.

Ben came running up, his face a mixture of happiness and annoyance.

"Mal! You succeeded, but you didn't tell me you were going to do this!" He said, picking up my shorter form and pulling me into a hug.

"I, need, air," I managed to get out, and he relaxed slightly, putting me down.

"Well, I'm glad that you are alright," he softly said, giving me a small peck on the lips.

The others came rushing over, all with big smiles on their faces.

"We did it! All thanks to Charlee and Wyatt!" Carlos said, and Wyatt came walking over, a look of  confusion on his face.

"Mal, didn't you have Charlee in your claws?" He asked, glancing around for her.

Then it dawned on me.

She must have fallen out when I made that sharp turn.

"Where is she Mal?" He asked, his eyes gaining fear.

"I, I don't know. She must have fallen out when I made the turn. She might be right over here." I said, running over to the side of the school that the rabbit hole was on.

It decently easy to see, and I could tell from one second of looking that Charlee wasn't there.

"Shes not here. Mal. Where, is, she?" He asked, his voice getting so quiet that it was hard to hear him.

"She might be on the isle, with Chernabog," I replied quietly, and he stared at me, wide eyed.

"We have to go get her! He's going to kill her!"

Charlee's POV:

My eyes opened, and I felt my body getting drug somewhere.

It was my human form, and I had a huge pounding headache.

I looked around, and saw three or four demons pulling me somewhere.

I tried to fight them, but my body movements were slow and weak, either they were using magic or I was concussed.

Probably a bit of both.

I couldn't see where were were through the dark mist projected by the demons, but I could feel them tying something to my leg.

I tried to use my powers a little bit, only to find that they were blocked once again.

They all picked me up, before throwing me.

It was not too long before I hit the water, and started to sink.

AN: So, I finally updated. I know, a crazy chapter, even though it was short. Please vote and comment!

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