Chapter 11

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I stared at the woman in front of me.

She had changed so little over the past years.

Her hair was still a mix of purple and blue, although it had some grey among it too.

Her ears poked out above her fluffy hair, and her tail behind her, much like me.

She looked thin, but otherwise alright, and I slowly stepped towards her, wondering if this was real.

"Oh my kitten," she murmured, and I ran right to her.

"Mom!" I said, giving her a huge hug.

My arms were wrapped tight around her middle, and hers came tight around my back, neither one of us wanting to let go of the other.

"I have missed you so much," I mumbled into her shoulder, a couple tears sneaking out of my eyes.

"Oh I have missed you too. Every day," she said softly, pulling back.

"You are all grown up, you are definitely not a little pup. You look beautiful," she said, brushing back some of my hair that escaped from my bun.

"Thank you," I murmured, so happy at that moment.

"Now, this is not the only surprise I have for you," Ben said, and for the first time, I noticed that there were other people than my mom.

My dad was waiting off to the side, and Mr, and Mrs Rabbit were there too.

But there were many more.

Such as the King and Queen of Hearts, as well as their son Ace, The White and Black Queen and King from the chess set, some of the talking flowers in pots, to name a few.

"Why are you all side by side?" I asked them, pausing.

Wyatt was standing by his parents, and they were all watching me, in a way that I knew they knew something that I didn't.

They all held a smile though, so I knew that nothing was really wrong.

Ben was standing closer to me, both of us closer to the waterfall than the others.

"I read up on Wonderland customs, and have been talking with all of the people and creatures that are involved in what happens with Wonderland. I suggested the idea that with their new freedom, they should elect a leader, someone that will help them rebuild relations, as well as keep them functioning. They all agreed, that the person they choose should be someone who has already made friendships, someone who would know exactly what was right for Wonderland, and the people inside. And Charlee, they decided, that that person, is you." Ben said, and it took me a minute to realize what he was saying.

"You want me? To lead thee?" I asked, looking around at all of their faces.

Wyatt stepped forward, gently taking my hand.

"You would have lots of help of everyone. We even had the idea of having a council, that way no matter if you are here, or studying in Auradon, someone will keep you updated. Charlee, do you want to do this?" He asked, gently holding my hand.

His eyes were full of concern and worry, but all I could feel was relief.

Wonderland would get taken care of the way it always should have been.

Any ideas that I had to help our world, to make it better, I could make a wonderful reality.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

I wanted to tell him how I felt, how much he meant to me, but I knew that I couldn't. 

"I will do it," I called out, smiling softly.

"There is no way that I will quit," I added, more to Wyatt than anyone else.

"I may be the Queen of Hearts, but I never did the process to become Queen of Wonderland. They decided I like to cut peoples heads off too much. But I think you will be a great queen. As long as you put Ace on your council." She said, her head held high with dignity.

Ace had the dark hair of his mother, and was around the same height, despite his father's lack of height.

He was much more reasonable than his mother, more like his dad in that way.

He and I are actually pretty good friends, although, not close like Wyatt and I.

Ace's mom was a little less welcoming when we were kids.

But still, we made allies where we could, because the few kids from Auradon were never welcoming.

Much like their parents.

I let out a chuckle, as did everyone else, before stepping away.

To become a king or queen of Wonderland, you had to jump into the Waterfall of Wonder a second time, where it would accept you as the leader.

The water would change how you looked, and would give you a special crown, one that would only ever be yours.

It is really quite unique, and much better than Auradon's coronation ceremony.

You would also gain a connection to the earth, so that way you knew if there was something wrong with it.

My dad stepped forward, pulling me into a tight hug.

He didn't need to say anything, I knew that he was there for me, and that was good enough.

He pulled away softly, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead before pulling away.

"Charlee wait!" Called Wyatt, running forward and giving me a huge hug.

"Charlee, you had better be at the bottom. I can't lose you," he said softly, and I smiled at him.

"I will try, but this may be goodbye. I love you."

I looked at everyone one last time, before taking a running start, and jumping into the waterfall.

Because, what I forgot to mention before, sometimes the falls refuse a leader.

Sometimes, the one chosen, doesn't make it out. 

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