Never Again

40 3 10

My phone rang, echoing into the silent room, for the third time. I knew who it was and I had no plans to answer. For weeks, Kyle had been calling me, following me as I went about my business. Always near, always watching. I never saw him but I knew he was there, as he would always find a way to remind me he was back.

I knew he was angry, furious that I had actually left him. He never thought I would and honestly I hadn't expected to either. At least, not while I was alive. That was until I had a second heart to protect. The drive to protect my unborn child was all I needed to find a way out, and I did, never telling him of his child. I didn't want him to go after her or try and use her for his own devices.

I wasn't sure if he knew about her now or if he knew she was his child, but I had no intentions of drawing his eye to her. I wasn't going to take the chance that he was still ignorant to her existence. It would be foolish of me to let my guard down even a little.

Six years ago, I would have been terrified, cowering in the corner with tears streaming down my cheeks. I would have been a sobbing, weak and broken mess just waiting to die. Expecting it. Feeling as if I deserved it. But not now, never again would I allow myself to fall so low.

I crept to the window as quietly as i could and took a quick look through the curtains, barely pinching them with my fingers as I looked out. The street was dark but I could make out a vehicle parked under the shadow of a tree not far from my driveway. A vehicle I would recognize anywhere.

So, he had finally come for me, no longer hiding or laying in wait like a spider. His irrational obsession with controlling me, wielding power over me, had reached its peak and he was here.

From the room I was in on the second floor of my home, I heard the front door open slowly. Of course I had locked it, but for a man like Kyle that wouldn't stop him, only slowly him briefly. Now that I knew he was here, I sent the text waiting on my phone not risking a phone call. Once recieved it wouldn't take long for the police to be on their way.

The stairs creaked and I faced the door, gripping the object in my hand. Moments later I was looking him in the eye, his dark orbs glaze and slightly crazed.

"One... two... three... who do I see?" He spoke slowly, his voice filling the silence of the room. His eyes roamed over my body and stopped on my hand, narrowing before meeting mine again. "You don't have the guts."

I smiled and then pulled the trigger.


A/N:Word Count 500

This was written for the Aim to Engage 2019 AdultFiction Prompt - Stalker.

Hope you enjoyed❣

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