The Alpha of The Wolf Pack. Part 2. Featuring: Jessamyn Duke.

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The next afternoon, which was Monday afternoon. With Marina close by I entered the PC and spotted Jessamyn near the mats. Marina ran to her and Jessamyn got up from the mats and the heavy bag she was pummeling as Marina rapidly approached her. She caught her friend in a hug. "Well, it seems you had fun with Daniel yesterday." Jessamyn smiled as she noticed the look of satisfaction on Marina's face.
"You have no idea." Marina replied sporting a toothy grin.
"And I'm guessing your responsible for how happy Marina is this afternoon?" I simply nodded once.
"Marina." She looked to me. "Go and get ready for training. Don't worry I won't hurt Jessamyn, in fact I'm sure she'd do more damage to me than I would to her." Marina nodded and headed to the womens locker room and got changed, and before I could go to the mens locker room to change myself. Jessamyn gently grabbed my arm. "Something wrong Miss Duke?"
"No. Your the first guy Marina trusts outside of me and Shayna and some other friends. But I have not seen her so happy and content. Since our UFC days or when we signed with WWE. I..." Before she could continue. Dakota walked up.
"Who cares Jessamyn, your not going to win against me tomorrow." I was a hairs breadth from jumping on Dakota and stomping a mud hole in her ass and walking it dry. As I believed it to be rude to interrupt other people's conversations. Jessamyn stepped in front of me and smirked at Dakota.
"If I were you Dakota. I'd worry more about what Marina will do to you before I get my hands on you tomorrow night." Jessamyn smiled as Marina approached Dakota from behind and gave the former captain of Team Kick the most bone chilling glare she had. Which made Dakota clear her throat.
"Just be ready for our match tomorrow night?" Dakota slowly walked away as Marina approached me and Jessamyn.
"Nice job Miss Shafir." I patted her on the back gently.
"Thank you, sir." She smiled as I headed to the mens locker room and got changed for this afternoons training with Marina and Jessamyn.

While I was getting changed, Jessamyn and Marina started a small conversation.
"So how was your day with our new manager, partner, and trainer?" Jess asked with a smile.
"It was amazing, we got home early Sunday morning. Barely slept a few hours, I woke up to see my car keys on the counter next to his and looked out the window to see my car ouside. I sat on his stomach until he woke up. And then you showed up when we were about to have some fun." Jess blushed at that statement.
"Sorry." Jess giggled.
"Its okay." Marina replied. "And when we did, have some fun. I've got to admit. Even with almost no sleep or food for energy. He was a machine. I mean, he took me to new heights of pleasure. And I'm seriously considering moving into 'The Barracks' with him. And I think you would benefit from also moving in with him."
"So he just..." Marina nodded while slowly sliding her tongue along her upper lip and teeth. "Damn. How could he have such stamina?"
Marina smiled as I walked up. "Probably because I was in the Navy." I said making Jess nearly jump out of her skin. "And there were times I wouldn't be able to get to the mess hall or some chow and had to rely on water to get through shift or duty."I smiled then looked at my watch. "Where is Miss Baszler?"
Regal approached us, "Shayna is at a meet and greet today in Miami." He explained. "Sorry about not telling you."
"It's fine, at least we know now."
"True. Carry on." He walked away and for the next five hours, I ran Jess and Marina through a workout regimen that focused on the arms, core, legs to an extent and back as well.

Once we were done Marina, Jess, and I got showered and changed and met at the front door of the PC. Marina had this devilish grin on her face. I knew I was in trouble.

10 minutes earlier...
"So, what do you think of Daniel?" Marina asked.
"He's loyal and dedicated to whoever his friends are or at least who he considers friends." She smiled as did Marina. "And I believe he'd make any girl or woman as happy as can be."
"He's certainly made me happy." Marina said.
"Well that was obvious the moment you walked in here today." Jess smiled and Marina smirked. "What are you thinking?"
"I think I'm going to borrow your car and you, can ride with Daniel to his place for the night." Jess was a little hesitant. "Come on Jess, you said that you didn't trust him fully on Saturday. And you saw how happy he's made me and how about when Dakota came up to you and tried to intimidate you before your match tomorrow night. He was mere inches from jumping her and beating her up for you."
"Well, I guess I can go with him. If your careful with my car. And I promise to be careful with our boy." They shook hands and finished preparing to leave the PC.

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