The Professor's Finest Student. Featuring: Xia Li.

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Chapter requested by: dadrizzle30

March 26, 2020.
For the past few months, I've been working with a very beautiful Chinese girl by the name of Xia Li on getting better at speaking English. And she's done perfectly so far.
She's a wrestler in WWE and she's been doing perfectly in her visits to my home cause I prefer to work from home. We meet twice a week and when we first started the lessons she would get frustrated so much that she would go off on a tirade in Chinese, saying that I didn't understand how hard it was for her. I told her that I actually did as I was ten when my mom who was an English professor got a job at a school in Hong Kong then two years later got one at a university in Tokyo. She then understood that I actually did know what it was like. Learning Chinese then Japanese a couple years later.
And ever since she's been doing a lot better in her lessons and being patient with her progress. She invited me to come see her at the WWE's Performance Center as she wanted me to see what she does for a living. So I did. She saw me entering the Center and ran up to me. "Glad you could make it." She grinned.
"Thank you for inviting me. And your diction and sentence structuring is improving." I smiled as I looked around as she blushed.
Then Jessamyn came up to us. "Hey Xia. Who's this?"
"This is my teacher, he's been helping me get better at speaking English." Xia introduced. "Daniel Boyce. Jessamyn Duke."
"Nice to meet the guy who's been helping Xia with her English." Jessamyn smiled.
"Pleasure is all mine." I said. "So, has Xia been starting conversations with anyone or everyone here? I give her the assignment of talking to others at least twice a day or four times a week at most."
"Yeah. She's been doing that. And I think she's been improving. I mean a month ago she would say, 'I have match.' Now she says, I have a match." Jessamyn grinned. And I smiled at Xia. Who blushed when Jessamyn mentioned how much she's improved. Then Jessamyn turned to some other people and noticed they were waiting for her. "Well, got to go and practice. See you later, Xia." Xia grinned. "Pleasure meeting you Daniel."
"Same here." Xia looked at me and smiled. "Something tells me you didn't just invite me here to shoot the breeze with some of your coworkers. What's really the reason?" I asked.
"Well, you've helped me so much these past months and I want to thank you for helping me talk much better English than when I started." Xia rubbed her arms nervously. "I wanted to thank you for all the help you've given me. And I'd like to take you out for a night on the town."
"Like dancing, dinner and all that?" I asked.
"Yes." She smiled.
I thought it over a few seconds and said, "Sounds harmless enough. Sure." Xia grinned and hugged me. I laughed at the fact she was so happy. When she pulled away. I asked, "So. Will I be picking you up or the other way around?"
"You can pick me up at eight o'clock tonight." She replied.
"See you then. But before I go. I'd like to see you in action first." She squealed with delight as she ran over to a practice ring, got in and one of her coworkers leaned in and smiled as Xia continued to whisper in her ear. I watched as Xia and her coworker who I would later be told was Kayden, pretty much tore the ring up with move afer move. I was blown away by her level of athleticism and experience. When she saw an opening for her tornado scissor kick. She took it. I was speechless, as she looked so graceful doing the tornado scissor kick. Xia and Kayden then rolled out of the ring and Xia introduced me once again.
"Kayden. Daniel Boyce. My teacher." Xia geinned.
"Nice meet you Kayden." I smiled.
"Likewise. So your the one responsible for Xia's vast improvement in speaking better English?" Kayden asked. I nodded. "Xia. You never told me, Kacy or anyone else your professor was handsome." Xia blushed six shades of red. I knew Kayden was joking. And chuckled with her.
"I'll escort you out." Xia said.
"It was nice meeting you, Daniel."Kayden said.
"Nice to meeting you too." I replied.

When Xia and I were outside the Performance Center. She said she'd text me her address tonight. Andrade I said my goodbye to her until tonight and she grinned as she went immediately inside the Performance Center once I was in my car. I drove off and headed to my house. Once inside my home. I canceled all remaining appointments and got ready for my night out with Xia.

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