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"Fuck!l I yelped in pain as Alastor used rubbing alcohol for one of my cuts.

I bit my tongue, trying not to complain about how much it hurts.

"Come down, love. I'm almost done." Alastor looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back nodding my head.

"You left quite a mess after you finished with him." Alastor added, smiling as he finished and wrapped all my injuries except for my bruises.

"Well, it's not like I'm going to clean it! That guy deserved it! He's the reason I was dead in the first place." I said crossing my arms acting annoyed. Alastor only just chuckled.

"Well, at least not he's dead." Alastor said.

I nodded and he helped me off the counter. We were in his room, he had cleaning supplies and I didn't. He teleported is to his room just so Vaggie and the others don't get worried or suspect anything.

"Feel any better my dear?" Alastor asked.

"He didn't hurt your wings did he?" He asked.

"I'll be alright, and no he didn't hurt my wings. They're fine!" As I said that last remark I fluttered my wings to show him.

Alastor smiled and clasped his hands together. He seemed pleased with my answer.

"You're my knight in shining armor, you know that?" I asked, I closed my eyes and smiled to the demon hell fears.

"Oh? Maybe I should always be your knight in shining armor~" Alastor cooed into my ear.

"I like the sound of that!" I said.

He looked into my eyes again. I looked at his.

We said or good nights and I headed back into my room. It wasn't far, obviously, so i didn't have a problem.

I went into my room and fixed my dress. I sighed and dressed into a short sleeved shirt with black pajama pants.

I did my night routine and laid down on my red.

"Man, Eric was annoying in life but he was so much more annoying in hell." I rolled my eyes.

"He's erased now lol." I told myself. Smiling.

Eric and I used to be friends. Up until he thought that I had feelings for him. When I'm reality I didn't. He always tried to get on top of me, but I would always defend myself. That's wen he strayed to be toxic to me.

We started to fight and it got to the point where I died into his arms. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to kill me, or maybe he did and just acted as if it was a mistake.

He ran at me and pushed me into a lake and he had a knife on him, he stabbed me. I was surrounded by my own blood which was mixed with water. He killed me at 22. I was in my 4th year of college.

I majored in (y/c). I worked so hard. I was so so close to graduating. I never dated because I was set on getting my masters degree in my choice of the major I chosen. But I died.

He dined my whole life! I hated him for that. I was close to being able to work my ass of, for what?! Just because I didn't like him back? Fucking moron.

I sighed, thinking about what I've done to him. Alastor kept on smiling. As I finished ending that bastard, Alastor wiped off some of the blood off  me.

I smiled. I lifted up my hands. I could still feel the blood. My eyes went dull.

I got up from bed. Walking to my mirror. I could see my reflection. But it was my dark demonic form. My figure was simply a silhouette. My pale red eyes glowing, my wings out, my broken halo glowing red. I could see a white smile spread across my form.

I placed my hand on the mirror.

"Don't worry my friend. Once when this deal I agreed upon on starts, you shall be free!" I whispered.

I clenched my first. I was fighting the urge to not hit it.

I heard a knock on my door. My reflection was still there. I went to the door and opened it. Alastor. What's he here for?

"Al?" I asked.

He saw my form on the mirror. He gave a Cheshire smile. I think he knows what's happening to me.

"My dear, can't you wait for a bit to release it?" Alastor said walking in my room still looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"I can, I just didn't know how I would look like in my form." I sighed out.

"You're just like me when I was still human! My current form watched my every move." Alastor grabbed my shoulders. I was in front of my mirror again, Alastor behind me smiling.

"Now, it's going to be there when you feel a type of anger. I don't know about sadness, since you seem to be utterly happy!" He cooed into my ear.

I felt my whole body slightly shake at his words.

"You know, you made this happen?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"Oh my knight, how long until it's time to finally be cruel?" I asked, pouting at the thought of waiting and waiting.

"Not too long, dear." As he said this he pulled a strand of my hair.

"Get some rest now." Alastor pulled away and went back to his room.

I looked back at my reflection. It was now gone. I sighed and went back to bed. Dozing off to sleep.

I just hope we cause chaos sooner than later.


"Please! Stop! I can't take it anymore! I want to go home! Please it hurts!"

"You deserve it for being a fucking slut! I thought I told you I loved you! You shouldn't be around other boys dressed like that!"

"I told you, I don't love you!"




"Listen to me, you belong to me!"

"Eric! Please just stop! I can't take this anymore! Stop hurting me!"

Another slap.


"If I cat have you, no one and I mean no one! Can have you. Trust me no one in this world or anywhere would love you the way I do!  NO ONE!"

He pulls out a knife. He walked closer to me. I was too scared to get up. He was so much stronger than me. I couldn't do anything to save myself.

"Eric? Please. Stop just stop. I don't want to die!"

"You should've thought about that before rejecting me then!"

He got on top of me and raised the knife up. Before he stabbed me in my stomach my life flashed before my eyes.

Then, I felt a sharp pain on my stomach. It hurt so much. Blood was the only thing I could taste.

Tears ran down my face. He killed me in his own home. He dragged me there when he saw me with a friend.

I then saw regret hit him, hard.

"Wait, I-I didn't mean to...oh god! Wait (Y/n) I didn't m-mean to!"

I smiled. My eyes were getting darker and darker.

Then, bam.

I took my final breath.

Pure whiteness had flooded me.

"Welcome!" A voice said.


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