1,000 ft. up and 1,000 ft. down

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"Aw fuck!" I yelled out.

I fell to the ground and kicked my arms and legs.


"Come on, I know you hate him and I do too, trust me but you need to stop acting like a spoiled bitch." Axel sat next to my body.

"Are you not happy to see me? My, you're such a bully!" The voice said.

"I don't want to see you, Max!"

Max, my toxic ex boyfriend. He's such an ass. He always pressured me into having sed with me and he would threaten by breaking up with me. I told him I wasn't ready, we broke up. He then proceeded to harass me by saying that I'm going to die alone, eh, I would say that. I died in the hands of my friend. Who's now dead.

I don't even wanna describe what he looks like. No one likes him. Not even his mother.

"And what about you, Axel?"

"What about me? Want another punch in the face? I did that like what? 10 years ago?"

Axel has been in hell longer than me and Max. I've been in heaven for I like, I think 8 years. We don't age in heaven nor hell.

"Oh please, I think I'm much stronger than you now!" Max rolled his eyes.

"Hey, bastard! Shut up!" I got up and wiped myself down. Axel got up as well.

"Wanna fight?" Axel casually said. I laughed. Max grinned, I can see his teeth. He tried being intimidating, but failed miserably.

"Why not? I'm pretty sure (Y/n) would soon realize how strong I am and love me again. Maybe this time she'll finally give herself to-" Max was cut off by a uppercut punch.

"Uh-huh sure. But what if I'm the one fighting you~" I walked up to Max who's on the ground, rubbing his chin.

"Face it, you can't win!" My face went a bit dark.

"Now, you were saying about me giving myself to you?" My eyes glowed pure of my sclera, pale red. I shot him a Cheshire smile. My top fangs showing. I had vampire fangs, sharp as fuck.

My wings popped out and my once bright halo, beamed with pure white, but not in a pure way.

"Oh Max~. It was so nice to see you again!" I gave him a devilish smile and grabbed him tightly and flew high up.

Axel was just standing and smiling.

"Up, up we gooooo!" I yelled out.

"Let me go you fucking bird!"

"I'm not a bird, jackass! I'm a fallen angel!" I smiled in glee.

I stopped, i flapped my wings. We were so high that we couldn't see Hell anymore. I smiled as my face went dark.

"Now, you told me to let you go, correct?" I laughed like a total maniac. His face said it all, he was scared.

"N-no! Please! Don't do this! Damnit (Y/n)! Please! I love you!" Max whined.

"Nah, you love my body but you don't love me. Sorry but not sorry! You're time is up!" I dropped him.

He went all the way down. I flew down and flew down with him laughing.

"Well, this is it. Isn't it!?" My hair was flowing. I landed peacefully, whereas Max, he landed on his back. He fell to the brink of death.

"Ughhh.." was all he managed to say.

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