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I fell straight out the concrete wall, and flew all the way to a pole and crashed to the floor. My wings expanded and my halo fell out of place. I groaned in pain as I regained conscious. Everything was fuzzy.

I see Alastor walking up to me, he wasn't walking slowly or fast, it was the walk of an evil being wanting to kill. The look on his face was horrifying, his radio dials were going crazy, the demonic scripture was around him and the black aura around him.

His smile was menacing. I got up as fast as I could and picked up my halo and limped myself away from him. I had a few scrapes around my arms and legs. I pumped a bit far enough to be able to put back my halo and heal myself as quickly as I could. I fluttered my wings and flapped them.

But I was too late to take off. Alastor got a hold on me and picked my up by choking me. I was gasping for air. I fought back and even tried using some of my power to stop him.

Then he let go, someone hit him with a rock. It was Charlie! She saved me, she had tears in her eyes as she stared at Alastor with a disappointing and angry look. Her horns were out and here eyes were like Lucifers. Alastor chuckled, my eyes widened. I was scared that he was going to hurt Charlie.

"Why? Why are you doing this?! Please! Calm yourself Al!" Charlie yelled out. Alastor stood there, his hands behind his back and his smile still plastered on his face. He tilted his head to the left.

"My dear, this is about me and her. This is none of your concern. Now kindly please go back and go to work!" He said in a cunning voice. Charlie was having none of it. She stretched her left hand hoy and it made Alastor violently fly and crash into a tree.

"Calm yourself! Or I will!" Charlie yelled. Alastor picked himself up and dusted the dirt off him. He smiled even bigger. He started walking up to Charlie. I got scared I was thinking on what to do. He was about to grab her with one his weird octopus hand from underneath.

But I surrounded her with a shield to protect her from being sucked into the black hole and getting hurt. "Please! Leave her alone! You want me! Not her! Please!" I cried out to Al. I ran to him and pushed him.

He didn't fall, we started fighting each other. I summoned knives out to stab him only one managed to hit him on the shoulder on his right. He got a hold of me by these black chains he summoned by the way he moved his hand around.

A red aura was surrounding him. His eyes were static, my eyes were pure red. I summoned vines from the tree and tied his legs together, but he noticed and kicked one leg outward and the vines ripped.

I twirled my ring finger and had spears poke out from the ground, it didn't get it, not a single scratch. Black tears started pouring out. Charlie kept banging the shield I had her in. She couldn't get out of it unless I die or I make it go away. She kept on screaming and crying.

I flapped my wings and flew up. The chains still tied around my arms and legs. I took them off by using a Bobby pin and a picklock.

"My my dear~" I heard Alastors voice echo around the woods. I was on top of the highest tree I could find. I covered my mouth with both hands. Tears pouring down. He found me, he teleported next to me, "HELLO!" He said in a dark and angry voice.

He pushed me off and I fell down and saved myself by using my wings. "You can kill me a got her way but you can't kill me by pushing my off the highest place ever, Al!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, I would've thought that God and everyone else heard me.

I then felt a sharp pain on my side. It caused me to plummet down to the ground. I crashed into a bushes. I was stuck and couldn't get out. Alastor somehow made that Bush spikey, the spikes stabbed me and I tried to silence my screams of agony. But it didn't work.

He violently picked me up and teleported us back to where we first started. Charlie was still in there, this time Husk, Nifty, Vaggie, and Angel Dust were trying to get her out but they couldn't. Alastor laughed, he threw me to the ground as I tried getting up. I had too many cuts and was too weak to even heal myself or fight back. Tears started to fall the ground.

"Please, please stop..." I sobbed, I begged Alastor to stop. He was enjoying my suffering too much. "All I want to do is find my mother! Please!" I yelled out as loud as I could so everyone could hear me. Husk and Nifty couldn't come to my aid, they were sadly on Alastors side and didn't want to get on his bad side.

I looked at them, Alastor put his foot down on my head. He grabbed both my wings and pulled on them. I screamed in pain, he pulled on the so hard I thought they would just break off, which would probably kill me instantly since of the bleeding.

I kept on sobbing and screaming. Charlie kept banging on the bubble shield as she saw me in such pain, she covered her mouth with both hands and cried. I looked at her as she struggled to even look at what I'm going through.

I managed to smile at her. This only made her break the bubble like shield with the amount of screaming. She screamed so loud that she broke the safe shield. She came dashing to my aid and picked my head up. Alastor was still there staring at me helplessly.

"Charlie." I softly said, I knew I was about to die again. Alastor stabbed my stomach before Charlie came to me. "P-please...please don't leave just yet. Y-you haven't even seen your mother! Come on (Y/n), you need to see her! Please.." Charlie sobbed.

I smiled, "I won't be entirely gone, I'm going to still be here...spiritually. We'll meet again. I don't know when or how. But we will." I softly told her.

A tear from her fell on my face, I wiped a tear from her eye. "My-my moms picture I-is in my room...please g-go make it y...your mission to fine j-her for me. I left...I left a gift....just for her." I wanted Charlie to do the one thing I failed to do.

She nodded and kept crying. "I don't want you to go, please (Y/n)... I-I don't..." I stopped her. I kissed her hand that rested on my slash wound. "I liked you the most Charlotte, you are special. You're much much stronger than anyone I knew. Keep making your dream a reality. Make this hotel the hotel you want it to be. And change the name back to Happy Hotel...please..." I quietly said. She reluctantly nodded.

"My, it's my time now...Charlie, you were my favorite. You and I...we had everything in common. See you next time.." I whispered.

My eyes closed, that last thing I heard was my name and "wake up" and sobs. I knew it was from Charlie.

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Everything was dark...
Such a strange place... am I back on hell? Or heaven?

I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by red. There was a small opening, actually it was red glass. I heard loud voices from outside the place I was in. The voices sound familiar, it was Charlie! And Alastor...

"My dear her body is no longer, but she did leave this necklace. Would you like it?" Alastor asked Charlie.

"Of course! Now tell me where is she?! Where do you hide her body! Answer me." Charlie asked. I could see that I was on the ground because I can see Charlie grabbing Alastor by the collar and her in her demonic form.

"My dear, her body and soul is in that necklace. That necklace is her body. That's why I was nice enough to ask if you wanted it, since you have a small crush on her." Alastor roed his eyes when he said the last part.

"Hello?" I yelled out. Charlie looked over at my way. She grabbed something. She then realized something. "SHE'S IN YOUR STAFF?!" Charlie asked angrily. Alastor nodded. "How long will she be in there?!" Alastor thought to himself.

He then smiled, a smile I'll never forget. "When she finally learns her lesson." He said this with a dark tone. I gasped, I was 100% certain that he was going to keep me in here for a long long while.

See you soon, Charlie.

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