Crawling back

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I talked to both Lucifer and Lilith. Lilith was sad to see me go, but she told me that we should stay in contact. I agreed, we exchanged numbers and I headed off back to the hotel.

It was a 6 hour walk. The castle was so far away from the hotel. I was fucking tired. I stopped by a coffee stop to get some rest, and to eat.

I made it back to the Hotel. I was desperate to get back in heaven and have god forgive my sins. I regret not being able to find my mom, I never found her but I'm sure I can find her this time.

I stopped at the door, thinking of an excuse as to why I had to leave for a bit. I then knocked, before I did I took a deep breath and then knocked.




Charlie opened the door. She seemed so tired. She had bags under her eyes, when she saw me she smiled, her eyes beaming like they did before.
She hugged me very tight, she stared sobbing.

"Why? Why did you have to go? My mom told me you were with her, she told me what you told her. Everything." She said in between sobs. I patted her back, and patted her head, we were the same height.

"I'm sorry, I promise I won't leave again." I reassured her. She hugged me tighter. I couldn't breathe. She pulled away and lightly smiled. Then she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Alastor." Her voice went lightly dark, her eyes darted to the figure behind me. It was Alastor, his aura felt so angry and annoyed. My breathing shorten.

"Go. I'll be back, promise." I told Charlie. She did what she was told. I then took a breath. My heart was racing, I knew he was angry at me before he even said it. I can feel it. I can sense it.

"Where were you?" He asked, no not asked, he demanded. His voice was stern and dark, his face was dark. His smile was still there but I could tell, he was pissed.

"With the Magnes'"

He looked at me with those crimson eyes. He looked beyond pissed.

"You mean with the people we were supposed to take out?" He said this in a tone so deep and sark that it sounded like a human voice and not his radio voice. It scared me.

"Guilty." I smirked at him. His crimson eyes were glowing at me, he was probably thinking on what he should do with me. I went straight to the enemy and back to my allies.

Alastor grabbed my wrist and dragged me back to his room. I was confused but let him drag me to my death. I was kinda ready for it, but I just wanted to be rehabilitated to go back to heaven, where I really did belong.

I didn't belong in hell, I wasn't a horrible person. Maybe Axel can be helped too, he wasn't a bad person at all. Sure he did drugs but that shouldn't mean he go to hell for it.

My monologue ended when Alastor pushed me into his room. He didn't have his dress coat on, he looked like a mess. His radio dials were going a bit mad.

"What's wrong buddy?" I asked him, trying to break the silence. He didn't turn to see me but he replied to my answer.

"I've been looking all over town, just to find you. I didn't. I thought you were kidnapped, again. We're you really at the Magnes', darling?" He asked me, he then turned to me. I was on the ground still.

I smiled at him and nodded at him. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why are you mad anyways, I don't want to destroy hell anymore." I pouted. His eyes widened and he turned to look at me aggressively.

"Why?! What made you change your mind? You were so dedicated to rule all of hell!" Alastor angrily said to me. I just shrugged my shoulders and stood up.

I went to the door and headed to my room. I was about to close it but something force it so it wouldn't close.

"Darling, please think about it! I don't want to do this all alone anymore." Alastor said through the door. "But why? You're much stronger than me, Al." I kept pushing the door to close but he wouldn't budge.

Then I couldn't anymore and the door flung open. I fell to the ground once again. "Because," he hesitated for a while, "I love you, (Y/n)." He quietly said but I could still hear it.

My heart raced. "Aw, come here you big sized twizzler, I love you too." I hugged Alastor, he reluctantly hugged me back.

"I'm sorry." *sad pouting face* Alastor looked down and let out a soft chuckle. I started to laugh.

"My dear, I should be the one to apologize. I'm sorry my dear." Alastor replied.

I nodded and let go of him. "We're still friends?" I asked him. He looked at me and nodded, I smiled and he headed out the door.

"Til next time!" I yelled out to Alastor when he left.

Mystery POV

Maybe then. Maybe I'll decide to spare you or not. I'm not sure if I need you anymore.

You're nothing without me, I don't like you at all. Not a single bit.


Back to your POV

I shook my head, as if there was snow on my hair. For a second my eyes went full red. Making my iris and pupil disappear. That was weird, I thought to myself internally.

I was on my room by now, conducting a new plan of order. What can I do to bring back Alastors trust? I know he's still upset, I know he is. It was in his eyes, the way he looked at me, it seemed as if he was the carnivore stalking the herbivore.

It was a bit scary, I'm getting a bit worried now. Is he really that mad at me for one mistake? I know he's a man of secrets, he wouldn't really admit he's mad. You just have to guess, sometimes he shows it but denies it.

What are you planning Al?

(A/n) sorry it took me way too long to come up with a plot. Please do forgive me, I'm kinda loosing interest in this, I just don't know how to make this interesting. I'll still work on it though, but I can't guarantee that it'll be the best book I've ever made. Anyways I'm sorry once again, I love you all.

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