Chapter 1

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Stiles- I look down at him, laying in my arms barely surviving and bleeding all over. I feel something inside me unlock as if it's always been there. I look up roaring loudly at them feeling power within me that I have never felt before. I laying Derek down standing up, walking over slowly to them. They have fear within their eyes but they charge at me anyway. I attack at once protecting my pack the next I look down seeing them all at my feet dead. I look up to the sky roaring loudly before everything went black.

I wake up on a metal table, I look to my left seeing Deaton to my left "why am I here?"

Scott- "Stiles don't you remember?"

Stiles- I look around then the memories of what happened come back to me. My eyes widen "did that all really happen, did I kill them" I feel fear come through me as tears roll down my face.

Derek- I feel my wolf try to take over try to go over to him to comfort him. I walk over sitting on the edge of the table pulling him into my arms, "shhh stiles please calm down, you did what was best not for you but everyone, you protected and saved the pack, you saved us all, you saved me"

Stiles- I look up at him feeling my eyes twitch close before opening up again " do you really mean that?"

Derek- I look at his red eyes flashing my own, I lean down nuzzling his neck purring "I do"

Stiles- I whimper crawling onto his lap pullin him closer to me "please"

Derek- I pick him up walking out and running all the way to my loft. I ripping open the door to my loft walking in.

Peter- I turn my head from where I am standing seeing both of there red Alpha eyes.

Derek- "out!" I growled

Peter- I run out knowing what will happen next that I should be there to see or hear the bonding because it is a private moment between the two. I run down seeing the pack stopping and getting out of the car. I stop holding my hands up "don't go up there!"

Scott- "why should we listen to you? for all we know Derek could be hurting him"

Peter- I shake my head "Derek can't hurt Stiles and Stiles can't hurt Derek"

Scott- "then why did Derek run out of Deaton's vets with Stiles in his hands"

Peter- "because they are Alpha mates. Scott listen, listen closely it's best to leave them alone while they are mating"

Scott- I listen closer hearing the moaning, whimpering and sexual noises. I blush nodding my head, I turn looking at the others "It's best we leave them alone"

Malia- I growl "but...!"

Scott- I shift "leave it, it's for the best"


Stiles- I look up at him, open mouth moaning feeling him thrust into me filling me up. I watch as he leans down feeling his teeth dig into my shoulder. I lean forward doing the same to him. I feel his dick thicken within me 'oh my god, knott's are real'I thought to myself.

Derek- I pull away licking his mark looking down at him "I'm going to fill you up with my pups, make you pregnant and make you mine"

Stiles- I whimper nodding my head biting my lip "please Derek please, knott me, please make me pregnant with your pups, please make me yours, please!"

Derek- I smirk "with pleasure" I fuck into him harder and faster feeling my knott connect to him feeling my self pump my seed within him in making him mine and filling him up with pups and hopefully will become pregnant in no time.

I lay down pull him to my chest spooning him while we are still locked together before falling asleep within each others arms.



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