Chapter 5

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Few Day Later

Stiles- I take a breath before grabbing my bag and getting out of my jeep. I lock it before walking into the school putting my bag in my locker grabbing the things I need. I walk into the class seeing everyone in the pack that was in our year there. I walk over sitting down next to Lydia.

Lydia- I smile softly at him "you okay stiles heard you where" doing the two hand finger bending quote motion "sick"

Stiles- "that's because I actually was sick as in vomiting over the toilet sick"

Scott- I turn "but Werewolfs can get sick"

Stiles- "actually they can get sick if they have a reason behind aka the same thing I have" I see them all look at me "no, I am not telling you"

Scott- I sigh "oh come on dude"

Stiles- I shake my head "it's between me, Derek, my dad and Deaton, it's all none of your business or concerns plus I am okay now that I know what's wrong"

Scott- I sigh again "fine if you say so" I say before turning back around

---- At Lunch ----

Stiles- I sit down with the other, I pull out my lunch opening it up when I smell something. I look up seeing Isaac eating tuna, Scott eating egg and other eating stuff that make me feel nauseous. I swallow trying to keep the sick down but it's not doing well, I put my hand over my mouth "I think I'm going to be sick" I rush toward and into the toilet into the stall closing it, kneeling down and start vomiting. I groan sitting back my back against the stall wall. I hear a knock on the stall door, I open it up a little seeing Scott, Isaac, Jackson, Boyd, Danny, Ethan, Aiden, Corey, Mason and Liam all standing there (I have added most of the characters in early also Boyd and Erica are still alive). I smile softly at them as good as I could "hello guys, hows it going"

Scott- I kneel down "are you okay dude?"

Stiles- I nod "yeah just some of the smells around me made me feel nauseous and I couldn't keep it down"

Scott- "is this to do with the thing you can't tell us"

Stiles- I nod "but soon you will all find out when I would like to tell you guys and the gals too"

Scott- I nod "understandable Stiles, if you don't want to tell us yet we get it, you take your time until you tell us"

Stiles- I smile "thank you guys, now can you help a dude up" I put my arms up allowing Isaac to help me up off the floor. I hug him humming closing my eyes "I'm sleepy".

Isaac- I chuckle "well you can't sleep on me, mama" I say before realising what I said putting my hand over mouth

Jackson- I laugh "did you just call mama, mama" the my eyes widen "what's happening to us"

Scott- I shrug "well I seem to be okay I did after all call him mama, oh no it's happening to me too"

Isaac- "erm guys, he's fallen asleep on me while standing up"

Danny- "do you think we should wake him up"

Scott- "nah most of us have a free now including him, let him sleep until his next lesson make sure we all keep an eye on him just incase, agreed?"

Everyone- "agreed"



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