Chapter 3

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A week since Chapter 2

Stiles- It's been a week since I have been back home. I wake up feeling sick I open the bathroom not caring the shower was running as I vomit into the toilet.

John- I look around when hearing the door bang open, the toilet seat lifted up and the noise of vomiting. I turn off the shower grabbing my boxers before rushing over to my son, kneeling down and stroking his back comfortly. Once he was done I grab a flannel helping him to wip his mouth "you okay now son, you finished?"

Stiles- I nod putting my hand up flushing the toilet as I lean against the wall. I slowly get up feeling a little dizzy but I too it all carefully.

John- I out my hand to his to his head "you don't have a temperature son, come on let's get you back to bed"

---- A Week later ----

John- I sigh walking into the bathroom seeing my son kneeling over the toilet again. I walk over sitting down next to him. When he finishes "are you sure your not some down with a bad illness because your are showing sigh of being sick in morning and when you smell something, don't tell me you have sex with a supernatural and became pregnant"

Stiles- I flash my red eyes before pulling down my top showing my mating mark "I am mating to Derek Hale after magically I turned into an Alpha and a werewolf without having to be bitten because I wanted and needed to protect my pack from dying"

John- I nod "come on I think we should take you to Deaton he knows all this supernatural stuff"

Stiles- I nod getting up feeling dizzy and nauseous, I quickly grab the sink feeling my dad try and steady me

John- "you okay?"

Stiles- I nod "just stood up too quickly and felt sick and dizzy that's all"

John- "will you okay while I grab a few of your things and my coat, clothing and keys?"

Stiles- I nod watching as he goes off to get dressed and that.

John- I walk back into the bathroom full dress, coat on, keys in pocket and blanket in hand. I walk over wrapping the blanket in hand before we leave the room going down stairs opening the door and me getting into the drive seat and Stiles in passengers seat. I drive us to the vet, we both get out walking luckily there was no one in there just only Deaton. "Hello deaton would you be able to help us within something?"

Deaton- I look up smiling "yeah sure, what can I do for you today?"

John- "well Stiles here has been sick and showing sign of a pregnant women aka like when my wife was pregnant with him"

Deaton- I nod "please follow me" I show them to the back "please stiles lay down". Once he had layed down, I prick his finger getting a blood sample before putting some under a scope and one in a machine. I look at it before looking up at my computer, I go over putting some gel on his stomach seeing his reaction "sorry, should of warned you it's cold"

John- I walk outside pulling my phone out calling Derek "Derek I think you should come to Deaton's Clinic it's to do with Stiles"

Derek- I say thank you and good bye befor running all the way there under ten minutes. I see Mr Stilinski waiting outside. I run over to him panicking "is he okay is, is he hurt or something please tell me please!?"

John- I could tell that he was in love with my son and there nothing I can do about it glad It's him instead of some jerk. "Derek Son, Stiles is okay he has just been sick for the past week that's, he's inside if you want to see him"

Derek- I nod walking inside hearing him follow me behind, I walk in seeing Stiles laying on the metal table with Deaton doing a scan "is he okay?"

Deaton- I smile "more than okay"

Stiles- I look at the screen in aww seeing the tiny dot "is that?"

Deaton- "the baby but with you only being two weeks pregnant it's surprising we can see anything but other than the womb that your body has created to hold the baby in"

Stiles- I sniff, looking over seeing Derek there "do you hear that Derek where having baby"

Derek- I smile walking over looking at the screen and back at Stiles leaning down pecking him as I hold his hand in mine "yes we are love, yes we are"



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