Chapter 2

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Next morning

Stiles- I hum waking up by someone kissing my back. I sit my self up smiling seeing Derek there two cups in hand. I lean up kissing him before pulling back.

Derek- I smile "good morning gorgeous"

Stiles- "good morning to you too handsome".

Derek- I hand him over his tea "it's tea, strawberry flavoured"

Stiles- I smile "thanks" taking it giving a sip humming "I guess I am not allowed coffee?"

Derek- I smile "just incase"

Stiles- "so the real thing happened, so it's true that male can get pregnant when it comes to supernatural areas"

Derek- I nod "it had happened before but it is rare because there not much gay or bisexual mates really but it's not impossible and hopefully you are"

Stiles- I hum "I don't know for some reason, I am not freak out by this but happy about it all, yeah the whole mating sex thing was amazing better than I dreamed and thought it would be but the whole pregnancy I thought that was just a myth but am truly happy that it is a real thing and hopefully I am too"

Derek- I raise my eyebrow "you have been dreaming and thinking about having sex with me?"

Stiles- I blush "of course I have, ever since seeing you that day in the woods you had made me question my sexuality and everything, I always thought I had a think and when she kissed me I felt nothing for her at all like I thought I would because all I could think was about you kissing me and everything"

Derek- "when did Lydia kiss you?"

Stiles- "I was having a panic attack and she kissed me because if you focus on the panic attack it will get worser or not stop but if you distract someone they will be able to focus on that instead of focusing on the panic attack and trying to breath"

Derek- I hum "make sense any other girl you kissed without me know"

Stiles- I smile crawling into his lap smirking "is someone jealous?"

Derek- I playfully growl pulling him closer to me "yes of course I am your mine pretty boy"

Stiles- "Malia tried to kiss me but I wasn't really paying attention, I then felt her kiss me cheek I just stood there shocked watching as she ran off, turns out Malia has a thing for me and I still think she does and hope she will get over it"

Derek- "good because your mine!" I suck on his mating mark

Stiles- I moan tilting my head to the side giving him more of my neck "your!"

Derek- I smirk "such a gorgeous pretty little mate aren't you"

Stiles- "come on big bad wolf, fuck me!"



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