Chapter 6

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Stiles- I hum waking up from someone shaking my shoulder. I look up sleepily looking at Allison "what time is it"

Allison- I smile softly "it's time for lesson Stiles"

Stiles- I rub my eyes "okay" standing up grabbing my things walking out with Allison who was the one who was left behind to wake me up.

After lesson it was Lacrosse, I walk into the locker room going over to couch handing him over the letter

Coach- I read it saying about him being sick and won't be able to play for a good few month so has to quit the team but it doesn't say what is wrong with him, I look up nodding "understandable, were going to miss you on the team hopefully next year you can try out again"

Stiles- I smile "thank coach" I say before walking out getting into the jeep going to Derek. I walk in seeing Peter and Derek talking together at the table. I walk over to the bed in the middle of the room (because it's only one room only loft/apparentment) I feel myself slip asleep

Peter- I smile "he's with child isn't he?"

Derek- I looked at him shocked before shaking my head 'typical Peter' I thought before saying "yeah he is"

Peter- I pat him on the back "congrats nephew, you have a good mate, pack and now soon children"

Derek- I feel my wolf cheer with pride, I smile "thank Peter"

---- few hours later ----

Stiles- I wake up seeing Peter still here but sitting on the couch reading while I have my head on Derek's lap. I hum loving the feel of his hand through my hair making it all calming and feel safe making me close my eyes enjoying it.

Derek- "would you like for something to eat?"

Stiles- I hum again "yes please"

Derek- "what would you like"

Stiles- "Pizza with curly fries and a coke please"

Derek- I look over to my uncle "what anything?"

Peter- I nod "Doner Kebabs with fries, do you have any tomato ketchup?"

Derek- I shake my head "I will order some for you"

Peter- I smile cheerfully "thank you"

Derek- I raise my eyebrow "are you sure okay uncle, lately you have been acting weird"

Peter- I nod "I am fine" when he looks away I put my hand on my stomach closing my eyes, I feel someone watching me. I open my seeing Stiles looking at me, I wink at him.

Stiles- I smile softly 'oh my god, Peter pregnant too, I am not in this alone' I nod before closing my eyes again

Derek- "everything will be here soon"

Stiles and Peter- "thank you!"

Derek- I chuckle shaking my head in amusement "your welcome" I start stroking Stiles hair again thinking of the interaction that went on between the too when they didn't think I was look, I smile 'I am glad that my uncle is now happy and with child like my little mate and I will protect them both like the others' I thought to myself



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