Chapter 8

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Stiles- I smile kissing Derek when I feel so thing move within me

Derek- I gasp feeling it under my hands "oh my god, did the baby just move"

Stiles- I smile brightly up at him "think the baby did"

John- I walk through "Stiles I want...." I stop seeing the joy on their faces "what's going on?"

Stiles- I sniff smiling "the baby just moved"

John- I rushed over putting my hands next to Derek feeling the baby move "oh my, this one is having a fun time moving about"

Stiles- "oooh and a right kicker, what did you come in to tell us dad?"

John- I blush "I have meet someone, yeah I know them from work but we both just hit it off"

Stiles- I smile "please show her to us"

John- my blush deepens "him, it's a male" I walk downstairs with them behind me into the living room "Jordan, please meet my son and his lover, Stiles, Derek this is Jordan one of my deputies and my boyfriend"

Derek- I could smell that this person is different, I wrap my arms around Stiles prtoectively "what are you?"

John- I look to Jordan "what does he mean Jordan"

Jordan- I blush "I didn't want to tell you yet because I didn't know if you knew about the supernatural or not, the thing is I was going to tell you but not straight away scared of your reaction"

John- I walk over taking his hands in mine "please tell me Jordan, I don't I will like you either way as long as you don't mean to harm my son or son's lover"

Jordan- I shake my head "I join the force and did everything because I wanted to protect people not harm people, so I promise you I will never hurt either your son or son's lover" I say before stepping back and taking a breath before shifting

Jordan- I shake my head "I join the force and did everything because I wanted to protect people not harm people, so I promise you I will never hurt either your son or son's lover" I say before stepping back and taking a breath before shifting

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I look up at John "do you still like me even though I am a hellhound?"

John- I walk over feeling his skin under me on fire but it didn't harm or hurt me, I pull him into a kiss wrapping my arms around his on fire waist "of course I still like you, even if you are a hellhound"



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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