Chapter 4

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Same Day and Time as Chapter 3

Stiles- we finish in the Vets walking out with smile on our faces

John- "Derek you are coming for tea to night"

Derek- "ermm sure" I say nervous

Stiles- I smirk "awww someone's nervous, so cute" I pinch his cheeks making him smirk

John- "both of you go back to the house, you both need to talk with each other, while I get something for dinner"

Stiles- I nod watching as he walks to the car getting in driving away. My eyes widen "oh no how are we going to get home"

Derek- I pick him up hearing his cute little squeak before running off. I stop when we get to his house going inside sitting down in the living room.

Stiles- I sit down, then it all hits me "oh my good, what am I going to do, I have high school to go too and have two years left there, have are we going to help with the baby because I don't have a job or anything,what if some finds out about the baby and wants it or that there is harm or danger around also am I going to be a single parent or are we both doing this together..."

Derek- I pull my panicking mate into my lap "Stiles don't worry we will take everything one step at a time together, for money wise I am loaded with money and I have my own businesses that are both mine also half of them to do with the hale family also I will be with you every second, I am not leaving you to the pup at all because I love you both so much even if we found out about the baby today, I love then anyway and no matter what I will always protect you because we always protect each other even when you were a human and as for school wise, you can tell the school that you can work from home or ask that your friends get your work and if you need exam that you will come into school if you can"

John- "that Is a great Idea" I said because when I walked into the house I heard my sons panic and Derek's words

Stiles- I look up eyes still water "your not angry at me for this happening or angry at Derek are you because me and Derek have talked about this before, it was while and after having you know the fun"

John- I shake my head "I am a little angry but at the same time I want you to be happy, I have seen you with derek and seen how he is with, you both love each other and Derek will protect you no matter what and I have always wanted to be a granddad and have grandchildren yeah, you are only sixteen and are pregnant plus you being a boy out of it all but I can't stay mad at any of this because I will always love you son no matter what"

Stiles- I sniff standing up and going over hugging my dad "thank you so much"

John- I smile hugging him back as he cries "your welcome son"



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