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I walked over towards the window to take a small break, as Mitsuri went over to Shinobu and Tsuyuri

I had my pencil in my hand, as I tapped it on the glass of the window.

A deep voice called my name, it sounded like it came from the window or outside of the window.

I couldn't hear what it was saying, but I know it was calling my name.

Then, a very pale hand grabs mine. I stabbed it with my pencil and backed up into a desk. It caused a bit of noise but it appeared as if my classmates didn't care if I were to be eaten by a ghost, or a demon. Or worst, a ghost-eating demon...

Tanjiro ran over to me. "Are you okay Y/n?" He asked.

I nodded a 'yes'.

"You're lying, you smell like lies."

At this point, I didn't even want to question it.

"You hear that?" I asked him. He went silent for a minute. The voice was telling me to come downstairs. Of course I didn't do as it told me.

"No. What do you hear?" He asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"Someone's calling my name. Someone's calling my name Tanjiro!" I shook his shoulders. "Are you listening to me?!" He nodded.

Since Oyakata-sama wasn't in the classroom, I just walked out, running to my locker to grab my knife that I keep in the pocket of my jacket, which was conveniently placed on the first floor.

"I'm coming for you, and you'll do as I say." Is what it kept repeating.

If something were to happen, I couldn't defend myself. I don't know how to do any of the moon stuff and breaths that these kids be talking about. They're so advanced...

I successfully opened my locker and took the knife out of my coat pocket and put it in the pocket of my skirt.

I ran upstairs, and there stood a shadow. The shadow turned the corner before I did. I'm not gonna lie, it scared the fuck out of me, but thankfully it was just Sanemi.

I grabbed tightly on his neck, pushing my head into his chest.

"The ghost said "I'm coming for you." It was really scary, and I'm not the type of person to get scared easily." I told him while getting back to normal.

"He could have meant that in a sexual way." He said while letting out a tiny chuckle.

"Now is not the time to play Sanemi!" I said while pushing his head back. "Come with me to kill it. Where's Tanjiro?" I asked.

"Oh you're for real? Do you need mental help Y/n?" He asked.

Did he just-

I sighed, "It was probably just my imagination, ow!" I said. "Why do I have a fucking knife in my pocket?!" I shouted.

"Y/n, lets take you to the guidance office or something." Sanemi said, leading the way.

We finally reached guidance and she told me if I was feeling paranoid, I could walk home.

Walk home? That's not an option! This demon ghost, ghost demon-human person is gonna kill me!

I really need someone to help me train. I cannot be so weak but yet so overly confident, that's not a match.

The counselor said it was okay for Sanemi to walk me home, which he did.

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 ᵏ ᵗᵃⁿʲⁱʳᵒWhere stories live. Discover now