flashback : First Meeting the boys

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Eunwoo: It was a pretty well known story of when they met among Arohas. Eunji knew who he was because when she started at the company he was famous among the trainees for his looks. One day they had finally crossed paths. They were coming from different directions walking towards each other, when they met eyes Eunwoo smiled, still at a distance, Eunji however, got nervous and took off running in the other direction. Now the boys always make fun of Eunji for it and they laugh about it all the time. When they genuinely actually talked/met he was sweet to her and took care of her when he heard they were supposed to work together towards debut. He would even try English to her since he heard she was struggling with Korean and helped her with the language.

Rocky : the first she met. When Eunji met Minhyuk it was because someone in the staff decided it would be nice for them to meet someone around their own age. However they soon learned that was a bad decision as the two became very mischievous and wild. When she met him they were both shy at first but became loud in a matter of minutes and started running around like the children they were. They soon became best friends and really close. I think they honestly got along the quickest.

Sanha : their relationship had always been kinda weird. alright ima be real honest with you here...they did not get along. They were like okay at first then something happened like quick and they didn't like each other. When Astro debuted they went back to being okay then soon started not liking each other again. They would fight and make it look playful on camera but genuinely it was kinda uhhh. After they became okay again for the most part until about the beginning of 2018 maybe late 2017 they became closer and recently they became super close. Despite all that happened between them Sanha has always been Eunji's baby and they would have protected each other no matter what. She always had a soft spot in her heart for him when things weren't great.

Jinjin: When they met he thought she was cool because he heard her rapping. They would work together during rap training and he would always take care of her. He would always try to help her and get her to be more comfortable with the boys and in general. She would depend on him and come to him for a lot of stuff. She thinks really highly of him and all her members because she seen all of the hard work and effort put in. He saw her as someone he needed to watch over and someone who would do a lot of great things.

MJ: oof...when Eunji met MyungJun...well. She had heard him sing so she was in awe and she asked him for help with her singing. He said since she was so talented she was easy to teach and he liked her voice because it was unique and he liked the deep flow of it. She also perhaps just maybe had the slightest crush on him but saw the age gap holding her back hehe. She thought he was handsome and nice and he always made her laugh. They always joke around and she hypes him up but also play fights with him a lot. The two of them together can be really sweet but the can also give the biggest crackhead energy like its unreal.

Moonbin: her baby. Eunji had a fat crush on him like so quick. She thought he was so handsome and cool and he would always help her with her dancing. When Eunji first started dancing it was...not great let me tell you, but Bin helped her a lot and she became good and always made her movement nice. Bin also thought she was super pretty when they met and he would always go talk to her. He thought her rapping and low tone was cool and he liked her because she was funny and always took care of him. They would spend a lot of time together and practice together. Okay you didn't hear it from me but perhaps something may have actually happened between them before it became just a joke.

All together they did well as trainees and supported each other. Eunji always felt she was lacking compared to the boys but they took care of her and supported her well.

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