4: entry seven

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His first month of being an official boy scout had come to an end, the days passing in a rapid succession before his inattentive eyes. The afternoons he spent at the centre steadily increased but his parents didn't speak a word against it, happy to see their shy son leave the house with excitement nestling in his smile and returning home tired, but with plenty of things to recount.

When it had been announced that the scouts would be spending the entirety of a Saturday in the woods, he was ecstatic. It sounded like the perfect adventure and his new friend Donghyuck was just as eager as him, earnestly discussing with him the food he'd pack for their meal breaks and the snacks he'd nibble on in between.

Yoonoh had been personally quite enthralled in the conversation himself, until he felt somebody's elbow brush against his side and heard a thud from the chair abreast him.

"What're you two chattering away about, hm?"

The tone was playful and Yoonoh stiffened upon realising that the voice belonged to the leader of their group.

He swivelled his head around to have his sights land upon Youngho, brown hair fluffy and tan skin shining with a fine coat of sweat that sat beside his eyes like diamonds and trickled around his lips that were curled in a smile.

Unfortunately, Youngho was not looking at him, and oddly enough it made a strange feeling tickle at the younger's insides. He wanted that expression to be directed at him, and he wanted his senior to notice him.

"Hyuckie is talking about the food he's going to bring on our trip this Saturday," he hurriedly informed before the named boy could.

As he wanted, Youngho's gaze shifted onto him and his chest brimmed with a sense of accomplishment at having attracted the older's attention, their eyes meeting until Yoonoh's began to flicker down to the ground and back up again.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm!" Donghyuck piped up, hands cupping his small knees beneath the table as he swung his legs back and forth, "I have the whole meal decided!"

Youngho beamed, feigning being impressed as he gave a little sideways tip of his head, humming in approval.

"And you, Yoonoh? Got anything planned?"

The shorter dumbly blinked, realising that he had not in fact bothered coming up with any sort of menu and would probably eat whatever his mother prepared for him that morning.

"I'm - I don't know yet," he bashfully replied, wishing he could sound as prepared as his friend before him did.

At his response, Youngho's left brow rose, though that faint smile never departed from his lips.

"I see," he said, resting his chin into his palm of the arm which he rested atop the plastic table, "So your parents will be packing your food?"

Cheeks a soft pink, Yoonoh dipped his chin a couple times, far too timid to dare let their irises meet.

A brief pause ensued, and then the older shifted, suddenly sitting upright and clasping a warm hand on the younger's shoulder, causing the latter to minimally startle in his place.

"How about I bring a little extra snack, just for you? That way you'll definitely eat enough. How does that sound?"

His seventh entry began with his onslaught of information about his forthcoming adventure and carried on with the singular topic of Youngho.


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