Chapter 4

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a/n: hii i hope this finds you guys safe and healthy:). ok so i know this story has been on hiatus for forever lmao but i'm finally getting back into it. i've had a rough past few months which caused my grades to fall so i've been focusing more on school and i haven't really had time to sit down and write. i know i haven't uploaded a new chapter in over a year and i keep republishing this story, so thank you for sticking with me and my inconsistent updates lol. this chapter has been in my drafts for forever lol so I hope you enjoy it, pls stay safe, and take care of yourselves

also this is such a short chapter im sorry but im still trying to get back into it:/

Kai buried his hands in his hair as he struggled to focus on the files in front of him. After a couple more minutes of rereading the same sentences, he finally gave up and sat back in his seat. He glanced over at the corner of his desk and smiled at a photo of him and Cinder on their wedding day. They were looking into each other's eyes as they shared their first dance. The photo next to it showed Cinder laughing and smashing a piece of wedding cake onto Kai's mouth as he attacked her with a glob of his own. They'd been married for about four months now, and everyday since had been bliss.

Kai hunched back over his work again, determined to get through at least a few more pages. But after a few minutes he felt his mind drifting off again until a sharp rap on the door brought him back.

He lifted his head to see his wife standing in the doorway. She was wearing a simple maroon blouse and gray pants with her hair tucked behind her ears. She held her port screen next to her and was leaning on the door frame, smiling at her husband.

"How's it going so far?" she asked.

Kai leaned back and sighed. "Thirty-two files to read and so far I've managed to get through a whopping eight."

Cinder gave a small smile. "Well then I'm afraid I have more bad news for you. The Union meeting is in ten minutes and apparently they have a lot to go over today."

Kai sighed, then smiled. "You know, I don't think this emperor thing is working out, and that espionage career is starting to sound very appealing."

Cinder laughed as Kai got up and walked over to her, putting an arm over her shoulders.

"So what exactly are we going over today?" he asked as they made their way to the conference room.

"Well for one Queen Camilla wants to go over the plans for lunar solider investigation and extraction again because of the recent breakout in London. Then, President Vargas wants to reorganize the antidote distribution because there are loads of cities that haven't been receiving the antidote as fast as others. Oh, and President Anya is still pushing for support for more Lunar trade in Earthen markets but so far she's only gotten support from Prime Minister Kamin, Governor- General Williams, and, well... us," Cinder finished as she tapped her port screen, sending a few notifications away.

President Anya, the new president of Luna, had done a great job at helping shape the new democracy, but there was still so much more to be done. 

Kai sighed as the politics of the Union swirled around in his head like a blender, slowly turning into mush.

"Don't worry," Cinder consoled, recognizing his hesitation, "Basically all we have to do is listen to their concerns, present our stats of Lunar immigration, accept feedback, and try to end the meeting without President Vargas proposing some other strange idea that'll surely get us all killed."

Kai smirked at her, remembering the President's former outrageous proposals and presentations that he and Cinder had found hilarious for days after each meeting.

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