1. Their Return

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"sic semper tyrannis."
(Thus always to tyrants)

Iftia: Royal Palace, Queen's Bedchambers

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Iftia: Royal Palace, Queen's Bedchambers

• Matthias •

Matthias stood in front of the door leading to his mother's bedchambers, unmoving. His palms felt cold and clammy and a small sigh of anxiety leapt out of his mouth. With a heavy heart, he nodded slightly and the Queen's guards opened the door to let him through. 

His eyes peered towards his mother who was sitting in the long couch with her hands folded tightly across her chest and her fingers tapped her elbow impatiently while staring at the space in front of her. 

"Your Majesty, Prince Matthias is here," one of the maidservants announced and Mother turned her head sharply to face him. Her hazel eyes had turned into a piercing shade of green as they zeroed in on him, making him shift uncomfortably in his position. 

"Kneel down," Mother's voice was calm but cold as ice. Dissatisfaction and disappointment loomed above her as she kept her stare on him. Seeing that he had not complied with her command, she warned, "Don't make me repeat myself, Matthias." 

Then, he lowered himself, knees on the ground as he placed his hands on both thighs. He felt anger radiating off Mother but he remained firm in his position, believing that he had done what he deemed was right. Even if it was at the price of turning his back against his own mother. 

"I'm sure you have something to say." Danger screamed in Mother's tone and he gulped nervously. 

"I did what I felt was right for the people," he said in a dreadfully quiet manner, trying to hide the tremble in his voice. 

"Did you even know what you are saying?" Anger rose in a violent and intense manner as she moved her hand towards the table in front of her and grabbed a crystal wine glass. Hurling it towards him, Matthias made no attempt to avoid. The glass shattered upon contact with his head and glass shards pierced through the skin of his forehead. Warm, sticky liquid glide along the side of his face, down his jaw and to the tip of his chin. He looked down and saw a droplet of crimson splatter onto her lush and immaculate carpet. Damn, this actually hurts. 

"How could you betray me?" He watched as her eyes widened in bitterness and resentment and he pressed his lips into a thin line. Unable to refute, he remained silent, hoping that he was enough for her to vent all that rage in her system. "Matthias, I did all of these for you! AND THE LAST THING I EXPECTED WAS MY OWN BLOOD BETRAYING ME!" 

Those yelling did not cease, his head hurt from the loud noise and his vision was blurred slightly from the profuse bleeding of his forehead. Pushing himself off the ground, he said weakly, "I'm leaving." 

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