2. Worry

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Medical Office

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Medical Office


Elianna was busy scribbling through the medical records journal when a loud sound on the door startled her and ink spurted out from the tip of her pen. Sighing, she understood that no matter how many times she had been in this situation, it never failed to make her jump and ruined a copy of a perfectly written report.

"Come in!" she shouted from the inside.

The door swung opened and a soldier appeared with another man who winced as he limped his way into the room. Her heart paused when the light from the room revealed the side profile of the injured man.


She immediately jumped off her seat and shot forward to assist the soldier who was placing him on the treatment bed.

"Kaylon, what happened?" she asked anxiously, carefully adjusting him.

"Training," he replied, almost short of breath.

"Who did you train with?" She grabbed a pair of scissors from the metal tray by the bed to cut away the fabric of his pants and reveal the deep wound on his right thigh.

It was a bad gash that extended through the entire length of his thigh. She took a sharp inhale assessing the laceration before ordering the soldier to fetch a basin of water while she swiftly gathered all the necessary medical supplies. Kaylon didn't answer her question but at this point, it was not in her priority to urge for an answer. With the soldier pressing Kaylon down on the bed, she carefully washed his wound and dabbed antiseptic over it. Kaylon squirmed and grimaced in pain but made his best effort to hold himself in position. On the other hand, Elianna's fingers worked nimbly to stitch his wound in the shortest time she could manage before covering it with a bandage.

"Please avoid exposing your wound to water," she cautioned. 

"Thank you, Elianna," he huffed weakly.

"It's my duty, Kaylon," she assured. "I'll prepare some concoctions to help with the recovery. You'll have to drink them twice a day."

"I heal relatively fast." An expression of unwillingness appeared on Kaylon's face. It's undeniable that her medicine is highly effective, but the entire Lyx knew how bitter those concoctions was. That statement caused her brows to knit together as she cast him a stern stare. No patient of mine will disobey me. Her eyes caught his throat work on a nervous gulp before her expression soften and replaced by a victorious smile. 

Picking up several herb containers, she started pounding and mixing. Then, she directed her attention back to the question. "Who did you train with?" 

She didn't mean to pry into their matters, she asked because she was genuinely concerned. Since coming to Iftia, she had not attended to Rowan nor his knights. Hence, for Kaylon to be so heavily injured, there must've been a reason. 

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