14. Fidus Amor

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Rivia: Alnair Palace, Amphitheatre

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Rivia: Alnair Palace, Amphitheatre


Bowing politely towards some of the guests, she excused herself away from the overjoyed crowd and walked up the steps. Finding a quiet corner, she settled down and watched the celebration from afar while her thoughts drifted away.

Come to me.

She bothered herself with the words that the Second Princess said a moment ago and wondered what it was that she saw through the foresight that led them together. Rivia was a place that she had never thought to come across, it was a place that was beyond the thoughts of any Thethian. The blood feud between the two Kingdoms from centuries ago was a long story but it was a sentimental point of history that no one would ever put behind them. She let out a small sigh, feeling uncertain and confused.

"Why are you sitting here by yourself?" A familiar silhouette of a person joined her on the seat and she turned her head to the side to look at Matthias who was looking at her curiously. She was slightly taken aback by his presence, adding up to the confusion that she was already feeling. Since the day in the medical office, he hadn't talked to her or sent any letters to her. Instead of answering his question, she shot him with another, "Are you feeling better?"

"Um, yeah," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I came here to apologise for how I acted that day."

"I totally understand," she dropped her voice low together with her gaze, looking towards the ground as guilt gnawed at her. "Afterall, I had been lying to you."

"Elianna, no," Matthias quickly added. "I was never upset at you."

"Is that true?" she rushed as anticipation beamed through her eyes and relief lifted the weight off her heart. He smiled sadly but nodded earnestly. Reaching his hand out, he patted lightly on the top of her head.

"Am I interrupting?"

Their heads turned towards the voice and saw Rowan had joined them at this quiet corner. A soft chuckle escaped her lips when she saw that slight frown on his face, seemingly displeased about not knowing the conversation between her and Matthias. Immediately retracting his hand, Matthias stood up from the seat and laughed heartily, "I shall take my leave and let the lovebirds sing."

Matthias made his way down the steps, walking towards the middle of the amphitheatre where the crowd gathered and danced. Rowan walked close to her, studying her for a moment before asking, "Why are you hiding here, love?"

"I'm not used to the crowd," she admitted the part truth, concealing the rest of her worries.

"Would you like to dance?" he smiled, extending his hand in a gesture of invitation. She hesitated for a moment but placed her hand in his and mumbled nervously, "I don't know how to."

He pulled her close and requested, "Lift your feet up on your toes."

She did as she was told and he positioned his feet underneath hers. Holding her waist firmly, he lifted her slightly and allowed her feet stepped on top of his. She panicked but he chuckled, "It's okay, let's dance like this."

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