8. Rowan's Gift

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"i want to know your shadows
let me be your light"

Iftia: Lyx Palace, Rowan's Bedchamber

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Rowan's Bedchamber


I never knew words could mean so much.

The hollowness he felt within was suddenly filled to the brim with her warmth. Love was a mystifying idea that he had lost hope in many years ago and yet she sat right in front of him, so perfect and whole. The way she carefully wrapped her hands around his head and cradled him against her smaller frame had trembled his heart violently. His name sounded like a silent prayer that she would whisper reverently under her mellow exhales. And her presence was like a hand that penetrated deep through his chest, touching the buried light within his soul.

Circling an arm around her, he pulled her to him. He wanted her close to him out of abstruse desperation. To him, she was an incarnation of magic that was above all that he had possessed. She was an enchantment that breathed life into the glacial front that he had hidden behind.

What did I do to deserve you?

A pang of guilt struck him, knowing that he had nothing to offer her. Under the scrutiny of all evil that surrounded Lyx, he couldn't confer her any title or name. She accepted him without complaints, even when he had selfishly withheld her love.

"Eli," he sighed. "How much I would give just to be with you but I do not have it in my power to leave a promise unfulfilled."

A heavy pause of silence fell in the thin space within them as he waited apprehensively for an answer.

"Rowan," she whispered. "Neither could I leave the unjust unanswered."

She shifted slightly and positioned herself to face him, her amber-eyes pierced right into him as she fixed her gaze on him. She continued, "Knowing that you love me was enough for me."

"Not enough for me," he admitted. "I can't give you anything, but I'll give you my a half of my soul if you would accept."


"You shouldn't," she gasped. "Y-you mustn't do that unless you're sure."

"I've never been so sure," he smiled sadly, but his earnestness shone through those brilliant blue eyes. Her heart almost leapt out of her chest when those words imprinted themselves in her mind.

To give someone one half of their soul was proof of the highest level of love that someone could give. It goes beyond promising in absolute truth. When one person offers their soul, the other would have the power over them. Yet, when two persons offer their souls in exchange, they form a spiritual bond that ties them forever to one another. As poetic as the ritual was supposed to be, it was considered by many to be foolish to present oneself vulnerable in front of others. Royals exceptionally hated that idea, they would do nothing to have others overpowering them or share their strengths. The only person she knew who had given half of his soul away was Jason. But he never told her who he had given it to.

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