6. Haunt and Blood

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Rowan's Bedchamber

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Iftia: Lyx Palace, Rowan's Bedchamber

• Rowan •

Rowan looked over to his side and his hand reached out to tuck wisps of fine hairs away from Elianna's face. She murmured softly, cuddling up closer to him. He didn't understand what she just said but a wide smile broke on his face. His fingers were caught tangled in her soft brown hair and he combed through the length, careful enough to not wake her up.

His thoughts went to moments ago in the bath. She had professed her love to him. At that moment, he swore he forgot how to breathe. He deprived his lungs of air so painfully that it had to force him to take a sharp inhale so that he doesn't suffocate himself to death. Perhaps the happiness was too unmeasurable and unreal that he was afraid that if he was to do anything, reality will strike back at him hard. He didn't even dare to close his eyes right now.

He longed for her for as long as he could remember. He never expected her to reciprocate those feelings of endearment but deep down, he knew that he wanted her to choose him. He wanted to be worthy of her love. Lovestruck like a fool, but he simply couldn't help it.

Then, the door to his bedchambers was pushed ajar. Eyeballing towards that direction, he demanded, "Who's there?"

"Your Highness, it's me," Ilias appeared behind the door and bowed. His gaze remained low and he reported, "Caught the rat."

"Hmm." An amused smile tipped at a corner of his lips.

He propped himself up on one elbow and leaned over to kiss Elianna on her forehead. Slightly inhaling in the smell of cotton and lilac-scented soap, he whispered silently.

I will protect you no matter what.

He pushed himself off the bed and entered the dressing room. In no time, he was ready. Fastening his cufflinks, he spoke to Ilias, "Let's go."


Thethia: Aster Palace, Study


"What's the message from Iftia about?" Elizabeth exacted.

"The First Prince had turned down the proposal for Royal Marriage," Quinn reported accordingly.

Her fingers closed into tight fists and her jaw tightened. She could feel the vein in her neck pulsed and pounded with utmost annoyance but she gave a tough attempt to keep her composure.

"What about the thing I asked you to find?" She glared at Quinn, demanding for a satisfactory answer this time.

"Elianna Everson was said to be brought back by the First Prince from Thethia," Quinn mentioned.

A frown appeared on her face. Thethia?

Quinn continued, "When we checked through citizenship records, there was no such person from Thethia. Elianna Everson was not in Thethia's records."

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