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(n.) the joy of meeting or finding someone again after a long separation; rediscovery.


His name,

His name made me remember all the things I didn't want to remember. A memory I could never and will never be forgotten. I still remember how hard it is to let him go with all the messed up things going through. But this is the Samuel I used to know right? This couldn't be a coincidence

Could this be the time to meet him for the first time after fifteen years? I squint my eyes to have a clearer vision to make sure I was right.

Damn, why do I have a strong feeling that it's him?

"Here you can take your beverages, enjoy!" he lends the two plastic cups to me with tissues. I can't take off my eyes from the strand card around his neck. It kept me distracted. My eyes immediately glued to the first personal ID that was written on the card.

"Is there something wrong?" he leaned in and look at his ID card.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I quickly grabbed the beverages.

"Do you perhaps want extra sugar? Or anything else I could get you?"

I can't erase the fact that I still have questions about him. He made me think about all the childhood memories I used to have. I remember I used to be so close to him.

I spent my childhood in this town and I have a strong memory for my childhood memories. This is the first time I went to my originated place since I moved. It has been a very long time everything looks so different to me now. I didn't know if I should ask a question to him because I guess it's a sensitive question for both of us. But If I didn't ask him this time, I would regret it my whole life.

"I guess you don't? If you have any request you can come back to one of the servers."

Well, that's how I waste my decision because of scared of taking the risk. I kind of regret not replying to anything to him quickly since I know he goes back to serving right away. The milkshake in front of me started to meltdown with cold dew trickling down the cup. He goes back to calling out the cue number.

I sighed and go back to my usual spot and gave the girl the milkshake I bought.

"Is this for me?" her face light up like a newly born star.

"No, both of these are mine." I acted as a very greedy person.

"Oops..." she lowers her head.

"Hey, look I'm just joking. Here you can have your strawberry milkshake."

"Seriously, you're the best!"

"Well, if you refuse then I could drink it in another time."

"I didn't say I don't want it right?" She grabbed the milkshake and stabs the straws in.

"Why do you have to be super cute Mia?" I pinched her cheeks.

She drinks it happily with a big smile on her face. She moved her small feet up and down drinking happily. Looking at her warms my heart and it means something for me making her day.

I look at my mobile phone stating that it's time for lunch. I guess I should quickly go to my apartment and put all my things there. It's already passed my check-in time. Mia said that the apartment is not far from this café. Honestly, I should go before the owner is looking for me.

If the apartment isn't far from this café, that means I have another chance to go to this café and asked him another time right? I guess this isn't the best timing yet.

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