Chapter 38 -- California

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Scott had himself so convinced that Midge would be better once they got back to the apartment that he practically hauled him up the stairs once they finally arrived. He was lucky they hadn't gotten pulled over on the way. He settled Midge and Marley on the couch and put the bags in their room. There was no way he was going to let Midge pack her back up this morning so he'd carried her himself and let her ride in the car. He'd let Zac know they were leaving, promising to talk to him soon and let him know how Midge was, and they'd left early.

Midge was restless and conflicted. He looked down at his bracelet and ran his fingertips across the face, feeling the slight indentations of the set-in stones. He stared at it, unflinching, as if the answers to his questions were written there. And, maybe they were. He'd been running through things in his head the entire drive, but one thing was true, a constant: he had a collar. Scott was his master, and he should act the ways and do the things his master wanted, regardless of the consequences. It really was that simple. "I am sorry Scott."

Scott came into the room with a glass of milk for Midge and set it down. "I can't imagine what you have to apologize for, but I'm happy to listen if you want to talk."

"I acted poorly last night and I am sorry."

Scott wanted to interrupt and tell him he was wrong but he didn't want to stop him, so he bit his tongue and stayed quiet, settling for holding his hand.

"I can only say that I was confused and hope you will forgive me. Being at the house was... like being dipped in cold water. Maybe it is not so bad for humans? I do not know, so I.... I am sorry, it was just hard, a shock, and it made me see things I had not been seeing. Perhaps I do not make any sense."

"I think you do. Tell me, please" he whispered.

"I think I was not fully aware of how far I had come. I told myself I was still Neko and doing and saying new things because you wanted them and last night at the hotel I realized that I want them too. I am still figuring things out, I hope I do not confuse you."

"I've felt that way since I met you, so I understand. And that scared you, wanting those things?"

"Yes. But I can not have them except for you and... Why do you let me speak so freely?"

"Because what you say is important to me and because you deserve to."

"I am afraid of what will happen to me after you have finished with me. I am already so different." He wrapped his tail around himself to feel more secure.

"I will never be finished with you. No matter what, we will be friends always Midge. I promise."

He looked down at his bracelet, then further at his hand cradled in Scott's, and then to his wrist and the two interlocked rings wrapped around it, different but connected. "Then I should not be scared, and instead focus on the joy. I am sorry for being ungrateful."

"That is not something I would ever call you. You had a really, really tough day; don't be so hard on yourself. I really am sorry I lost my temper though, and ruined things. I really am."

"May I tell you a secret?"


"Every time my cheek hurts I think of you punching him and it makes it feel better. I should not talk that way, but it is true."

"Oh Midge, you are... something, that's for sure. How bad is it?"

"No worse than your hand, I think. I noticed the way you held the wheel, that carrying my bag bothered it as well."

"It's okay, it's just one finger that hurts, it'll be fine. Is there anything I can do for you? To make you smile?"

Midge thought a moment, then grinned.

"What is it?"

"A memory. My mother had a song she would sing for me when I was small."

"Would you sing it for me?"

"If you like. I am not sure it is quite right, but I will try." And then in his soft, sweet tenor he sang out the slow lullaby:

Smile, smile happy boy
Smile, smile show me joy.
I have something just for you
Mama has brought Midge a toy.

Smile, smile that's my boy
Smile, smile bring me joy.
You are mine and I love you
You are my sweet little boy.

Scott didn't want to breathe or even blink, so fragile was the moment. Midge's face was smiling, and also sad, his eyes far away.

"There were other verses, but I'm not quite sure, they blend together in my head. She had a beautiful voice. Misty does too. I do not remember Marley singing, she was always more quiet. I am sorry, I became distracted. I think you asked something of me but I am forgetful and do not remember."

"It wasn't nearly as important as that. You have the most gorgeous voice I've ever heard. It's like an angel. And your range... how low and high can you go? Can you sing scales?"

"Oh, notes going up?"


"I think so, I have never tried. You want me to start at the bottom?"

"Yeah. Just give it a go, whatever comes out is fine."

He picked out a few notes, working his way down and then sang almost 3 and a half perfectly pitched octaves without missing a note. "I can do a few others, but there are spaces. Like this...." A few lower tones, then a few very high and even some whistle tones came out. "I do not know if that counts, it sounds like a scream. I think that is all."

Scott was speechless. "My. fucking. god. Midge. YOUAREAMAZING!!!! Seriously, I heard you once at rehearsal but I had no idea.... Okay, Avi is right, you need to sing with us. Do you like to sing?"

"You are very pleased? I am glad, but everyone can sing Scott, I do not undertand why you are so excited. And yes, I like to sing."

"No, okay fine, yes, everyone can sing but Midge, I've never heard anyone sing like YOU."

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