Chapter 81 -- Sale

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Midge pretended for the first two hours that Scott was still sleeping.  He got himself a glass of milk like usual and then decided that coffee would be safe, so he had a glass of hypermilk as well.  He pulled a chair up to the window and peered out while he sipped.  The view was not as nice from here as at the old apartment, but it was safer.  He missed watching his park though.

Four hours later he admitted to himself that he was bored.  He'd sat on the balcony and read a book, watched a cartoon and cleaned up the kitchen from last night's disaster.  He didn't want to draw, and even the computer Scott had left behind for him held little interest.

What he wanted to do more than anything was to go outside.  It was sunny and the perfect temperature outside so that he could bundle up enough to cover and not be hot.  How wonderful would it be to go to his park and draw?  He could try to find his friend and help her, and explore as well. But I can not.  He knew it was absolutely forbidden.  Scott had asked him not to leave the apartment at all if it wasn't necessary unless he was with Zac.

Zac said he would call him today but it was still only lunchtime.  His stomach rumbled and he went to the kitchen but refused to cook anything.  Even the microwave seemed a bit too much to risk.  He made himself a sandwich and then ate just the meat and cheese out of it before nibbling on his chips.  He grabbed the Ipad and turned on some EDM since it wouldn't bother Scott and was halfway through the first song when his phone rang.

"Hello Zac."

        "Hey buddy, what's up?  Set off any alarms yet?"

"No.  I did not cook.  I will be careful" he said sadly.

        "I'm sorry Midge, I was just joking, alright?  It's all good.  So, want to get out of there for awhile?  We could do dinner tonight, or I remember Scott saying you love the movies."

"I would love to spend some time outside.  Could we walk to dinner?"

        "Honestly, Midge, I will do absolutely anything you want to do today.  I am so FUCKING great that I don't care.  About anything.  At all.  So whatever" he cackled.

"Did you have a very good date with the cute Lee?"

        "Hells yes.  And a very good night.  And morning."

"You like him very much?  I am glad."

        "He's smart, and funny, and really sweet.  Only huge downside is that he's so far in the closet, he's behind the Christmas decorations."

"Why is he in your closet?  Is he hiding?"

        "Not MY closet, uh, no one knows he's gay.  Is that better?  NO ONE.   So I don't know if that's going to work long-term" he answered thoughtfully.  "You're ruining my high little guy.  So, you want to enjoy this lovely weather?"

"l would.  But I know you will want to be with Lee and that is okay."

        "Can't see him until Monday after work, he's gotta to pretend to be straight for awhile, or something like that.  I'm all yours.  Anything you want.  I'll head over and we can figure it out, alright?"

"Thank you so much.  I will be ready."  He quickly cleaned up the coffee table, putting Zac's picture away so he would not see it.  He started to shut down the computer and saw that he had a message so he checked his email account. A payment notice?  From Etsy?  I sold one!! He clicked the link to see which one had sold before turning it off, a huge smile on his face.

He was still grinning a moment later when he heard Zac coming up the stairs.  He waited until he knocked though, he had learned that it made people wonder when he opened doors too early.  "Hi!"

        "Hey, how are you?" Zac said, returning Midge's smile.

"I sold one!  I am so happy."

        "Sold a what?"

"My drawings.  A woman in Oregon has bought one of my drawings.  The one of the buildings, the street that turns into a tree.  Let me show you."  He grabbed Zac's hand and practically pulled him into his room and into his closet.  "This one!"  he held it up carefully.

        "Wow, that's amazing.  The perspective change makes it really, really interesting.  She's a lucky lady to have this."

"Thank you!  I will mail it to her on Monday and hope she likes it."

        "I have no doubt.  So, where to?  Daylight is wasting if you want to be outside."

"Anywhere, can we take a walk?  I like to explore" he said, slipping into his shoes.  "I would like to buy Scott a Christmas present with my new money.  Do you think it is okay to buy him one?  I would not want him to feel that he has to get me one but he has done so much for me that I would like to."

        "I think he'd love one, but don't spend too much or he'll feel bad.  He'd probably rather have a picture, especially since the others were destroyed."

"The ones on the wall?  That is why I did not see them in the things.  It was... they were special."

        "I know, he was really upset about it.  The rest of the damage didn't bother him too much but he stared at them that morning for awhile.  He tried to pick them up, talked about taping them or keeping them even if they were ruined but they were just hopeless.  Could you make him another for Christmas?  He'd love that more than anything you could buy him, honestly."

"I will, yes, I will draw him a picture.  But I..d like to buy him something too.  Can we go in here?" he asked, looking in the window.  "There are so many different stores."

        "You can say that again.  I'm sure Kelly or Scott would be happy to show you ALL of them one of these days."

Midge wandered through the aisles, looking at everything.  "I have no idea what he would like."

        "I'll take you out another day so give it some thought.  There's tons of stuff online too, you can look there and just order whatever you want."

"Thank you so much Zac, you are very kind to me.  Now, you would like some dinner?  Did you work up an appetite this morning?"

        "Starving Midge, I'm starving and yes, I definitely earned it.  Let's go."

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