Chapter 104 -- Barter

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*** Just cause I can, another pic of Lee is above.

Scott had known ahead of time that going to the police wouldn't accomplish anything and he was right. They'd spent half an hour in the waiting room and then about four minutes with some clerk or officer who didn't give a DAMN. They'd filled out a piece of paper that meant nothing, and would do nothing, before being shown rather quickly out the door. At least dinner had been good.

"Lee and 3 of his friends are already at there, at the bar. He said, and I quote: 'Only one of them is tough but they're all black so if he's as assmunchish as you say, maybe we'll scare him.'"

"He said assmunchish?"

"Yep."  Zac grinned.

"I really, really like him" Scott said, a small smile cracking his hard face.

"So do I."

"I'm glad. Really. I... I'm just glad."

"Thanks. So, to 'Engleterre' or however you say it. Oh, and, we're not together. Remember? Closet. SMALL, dark closet."

"Oh yeah, thanks. Okay, my lips are sealed. 'Bro' voice activating... now."

"Dumbass. I can't with you. Just worry about Steven and don't mention the two of us screwing, alright? He's sort of going out on a limb for me, and you, here."

"I get it Zac. I mean, this is me we're talking about. It's cool." He tapped a rhythm on the door dashboard with his fingers, trying to occupy his mind. He knew he should have a plan but he didn't really. He just wanted to talk to Steven and try to find out if he had him and if he did, what it would take to get him back.

"Alright, in we go." Zac said, parking the car. They got out and walked in, immediately spotting Lee and his friends waiting at the bar.

"Hey Lee, thanks for coming man, I appreciate it."

"No sweat bro. Zac, Scott, this is Mac, Dev and little Tony." Lee nodded slightly at Zac but what he really wanted to do was pull him in for a hug, smell his cologne and nip at his collarbone. He would have settled for holding his hand, too, but it was impossible. There was so much for him to lose and he wasn't ready to give up his friends, his family, his job. He envied those who could, who could come out without losing everything. He'd never be one of those people though and no matter how good Zac felt right now, no one was worth his life.

Scott gave them each a nod until he reached Little Tony who in no way resembled his name. He was actually taller than Scott and had a solid 100 lbs on him. He nodded and grinned. "Hey."

"LT played college ball at UCLA. Got drafted into the NFL but blew out a knee first year."

"That sucks man, I'm sorry. You must have been good." Scott said, trying to figure out if they were talking about football.

"Yeah, yeah, but hell, life happens. Now I get to use my size for other things. So this guy broke into your apartment?" LT asked.

"Yeah, totally trashed it. Left some nasty messages for a friend of mine who fell off the grid the other day. I'm worried about him." Scott answered.

Lee turned and scanned the room. "Any sign of him Scott?"

"Nope but I don't think he works out front, I didn't see him last time I was here. Let me ask for him." He got the bartender's attention and asked for Steven and was told he'd be out in a minute. "So can I buy you guys a drink? Least I can do." Shots were poured and they were on the second round before he saw Steven come around the corner.

"You? What are you doing here?" he asked, looking around to see if anyone from management was nearby.

"I'm looking for Midge."

Steven was about to tell him to fuck off until a huge black guy saddled up next to Scott. He realized then that they were ALL with him. "Haven't seen him."

"Is that so? And I should believe you why?"

"Is what it is."

"Cause if you had seen him, I'd be willing to barter for some info." He had to choose his words so carefully. He didn't necessarily want Lee's friends to figure out it was his boyfriend he was looking for, and he sure as hell didn't want 'Neko' to come into the conversation.

"Would you now? In that case I'll look harder cause I like to barter. But, like I said, I haven't seen him. He's hard to hold onto, you know. Slippery. Hard to find if he doesn't want to be."

Scott tried to read into his words, figure out if there were hidden meanings behind those words but he could barely think at all. "I'll stop by again soon, to check in, see if you've heard from him."

"Fine man. I gotta get back to work." Steven hit his fist against the top of the bar and walked off towards the back.

"Want us to go around back and rough him up?" Dev asked, itching for a fight. "He might know something."

"What do you think Zac? Get anything?"

"I don't think he has him Scott. There was nothing, not even a flicker in his eyes when you mentioned the money. We can try again but" he shook his head "I don't see it."

"Hate to say I agree" Lee said.

"Thank you guys so much for coming out, I really appreciate it. I owe you." He slapped two more $20's on the bar. "Next round is on me too. Thanks."

"No problem" LT said, waving down the bartender. "Easy work for free drinks, call me up anytime."

Lee caught up to them just before they reached Zac's car. Scott slid into the seat and closed the door to give them a little privacy.

"I'll call you tonight and I can help tomorrow, whatever you guys need done. Any chance you can make some time for me?" Lee asked, smirking.

"All kinds of fucking time Lee. Thanks for the help, I know this was a bad situation all around."

"You guys were awesome though, Scott's good at it. I'll call you. Gotta get back inside."

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