Chapter 101 -- Transfer

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*** I know you guys have been biting your nails and yelling at the screen so without further ado....

Agent Guy stared at the computer screen before him, barely believing his eyes. Did he really see the words 'Midge' and 'Neko' in the same report? He threw his head back and laughed, then picked up the 1990's piece-of-shit phone that sat on his desk, which was probably older than his current office. "Vanessa" he said to his secretary, "get me a plane ticket to L.A. I need to be there ASAP. Yesterday would be even better."

At 10 am the next morning he strode into the precinct office, straight off the plane. He left his rental car running and illegally parked in the loading zone directly out front. "I'm Agent Guy. I need to speak with whoever's in charge. Now. And don't you dare tow my car." He flashed his badge and decided to stand after looking at the state of the waiting room.

It took a solid four minutes but soon the Captain was waving him through security checkpoints and into his office. "Captain, I'm here for the Neko. You will release him into my custody immediately."

"I don't know what you're talking about" he answered.

"Don't bullshit me. You want me to believe that you have a cat-human in custody and don't know about it? I may have been born at night but I can assure you that it was not LAST fucking night. I have a plane to catch and two tickets. NOW."

That's a tall order, Agent..."

"It's Agent Guy, Homeland Security. Midge, now, and I'm not going to ask again. I'm out of patience Captain. That was as nice as I get."

"You can't waltz in here and move my inmates without paperwork!"

"Oh, he's an inmate now, is he? Just what is he charged with?" he asked smugly, resting his hands on the Captain's desk and looming over him.

"Uh, well, we had him on 24 hour hold and then he uh...."

"Let me help you out Captain. I'm sure you've broken several regulations and bent the hell out of a dozen more. So, unless you want every Fed in California breathing down your neck, you will comply. Start walking."

"Right this way, he's in a medical cell."

"If you have touched one hair on his freakish tail..."

"No, no agent, of course not. He was refusing to eat, that's all."

"You probably scared the shit out of him, moron. Ever think of that??" His eyes got wide when he rounded the corner and reached the cell. Midge was slunk as far into the corner as possible, hiding under the thin sheet that appeared to be serving as his only blanket. "Sorry I yelled Midge, didn't realize we were so close. I'm not going to hurt you. Come on out."

Midge stayed still but lowered the sheet so he could see more clearly. He didn't answer, simply stared at the new man. He was wearing regular clothes, not the uniforms the guards wore.

"Midge Golding?" Agent Guy asked.

"I am Midge, but not Golding. I do not know that name Sir."

"Son of Sally and Mitt? Are Misty and Marley your sisters?"

Midge jumped up and ran towards the bars but stopped just out of reach. "How do you know them?" He had not told the guards any names, he was sure of this. The only person he knew of that knew all their names was Scott. "Scott? Did he send you? Are you going to take me home?"

"I've been looking for you for years kid, and yeah, I'm taking you home. Who's Scott? Is he your guardian?" Yet another non-cleared owner to deal with. They didn't pay him nearly enough.

"Yes. Yes. I must see him, to tell him I am okay. I fear he is very worried" Midge said, excited.

"We'll handle all of that eventually. I need you to come with me now."

"Yes sir." He waited as the guard unlocked the door and then stepped to follow behind the Agent. "Sir?"

"Yes Midge? And you can call me Guy."

"Will we take my things? May I have my collar?"

"Yeah, we'll stop and get that on the way out. Come with me." They followed the Captain to the front desk where they were given an envelope containing Midge's shoes, bracelet, and few other items. "Missing anything?"

"No Sir, thank you." He clicked the latch of his collar on securely and sighed in relief.

"A wrist collar, eh? Sure looks fancy. Okay, to the car then, it's right outside. We'll have time to get you some food at the airport if you're hungry as long as traffic isn't too bad."


"Yeah Midge, I'm taking you home."

"But Sir, I live in Los Angeles, why do I need to go to the airport?"

"I'm taking you back to Texas."

"But Scott is here and I can not leave him. And Sir Guy, I can not fly, I do not have papers."

"Yeah, that seems to be what got you into this mess but we'll deal with that later. I can get you on the flight, just stay close to me and don't get lost, alright?"

"But we will tell Scott?"

"Midge, one thing at a time. You're safe and out of that hell-hole jail cell, so don't worry about anything else, alright? Monday mornings were made for shit like that and it will come soon enough."

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