Chapter 85 -- Lee

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"The food is coming" Midge said, sitting up to let Scott off the couch.  "It smells so good."

"Thanks hon, I'll get it.  Can you grab plates?"  Scott went to the door and opened it a moment before the delivery guy knocked.  He took the huge bag of Chinese and paid, giving him a good tip for coming out in the downpour.

        "Thanks so much.  You guys still have power eh?  Hoping mine is on when I get home."

He shut the door just as a huge boom of thunder cracked right over their building.  "Midge?" he asked, putting the bag down on the table he had just scurried under.

"I hate it."

"I know, but it won't hurt you.  I'm sorry you're scared though.  Come back out?"

"I am being stupid, I know.  Thank you for not laughing or yelling at me."

"Never.  But hon, there is a roof over our heads, the table's not keeping you dry or anything.  Want to eat on the couch?  We can snuggle that way and finish the movie."

Midge peered out from around the seat of a chair.  "That would be okay, I think.  I will get Marley."  Quick as a flash he pounced on his bed and grabbed her, then landed on the couch and pulled the blanket up.  "Oh, I am so sorry!" He started to get up and help Scott carry things.

"No, I've got it.  It's all good.  Sit, sit."  He carried the bag and plates, putting them on the coffee table "Here's your shrimp."

Midge took the container from Scott and dipped his fork in, eating from the container as Scott filled his plate.  "You do not want any of this, right?"

"No, and good thing too" he said, rolling his eyes.  "I have plenty."  His phone rang and he considered ignoring it but decided to talk to Zac.  "Hey"

        "Hey, any chance you have power and food?".

"Actually, I have both of those things.  I take it you don't?"

        "Nope.  Lee's here and we can't go to his place but he doesn't want to go out so he's going to leave unless... fuck it, can we come over?"

"Sure.  I owe you and  I've been wanting to meet Lee.  Midge says he's cute."

        "He is.  Okay, we'll bring Starbucks as payment if I can find one that's open, deal?"

"No problem.  See you soon."  He shoved another bite in his mouth before noticing that Midge was looking at him expectantly.  "Sorry" he said, mouth still half full.

"I can wait."

"Zac and Lee are coming over because his power's out.  They're going to try to bring coffee."

"I hope our power does not go out."  Midge looked out the window but all he could see was the water rushing down the glass and flashes of light.  "It is lightning."

"Doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon, either.  Let me check the weather."  He pulled out his phone.  "Supposed to stop storming early morning and just rain tomorrow, off and on."  He turned the movie back on and went back to his dinner.

"She only likes the girl because she bewitched her that everyone would like her."

"Oh, Malificent.  Yeah, she doesn't seem to get that, though."

"So she is still evil, even though she is acting nice." he said thoughtfully.

"I hadn't thought of it that way."

"They are here."

Scott got up and walked to the door, letting in Zac and Lee.  "Hey, welcome."

        "Scott, this is Lee.   Lee, Scott and...." Zac grabbed Lee by the shoulders and turned him to the side, his eyes shooting daggers at Scott.


        "Midge needs to uh, get dressed.  Or, yeah."

"Oh I am so sorry!" Midge said, pulling his hoodie up to hide his ears.  I will be right back."  He rushed into his bathroom to take care of things while Scott laughed at the look Lee was giving Zac.

"Sorry about that.  It's nice to meet you Lee, come on in."

        "Any chance you're going to share some dinner?  I am STARVING" Zac asked.

"Absolutely, here are plates."  Scott got Lee a glass of water and took the coffee from him, grabbing his and putting Midge's on the coffee table.  "Must have worked out today."

        "I did.  Forgot my damn headphones and had to go back, but I did it.  Poor Lee had to work all day."

        "Unfortunately.  Some of us aren't lucky enough to have flexible schedules" he answered as Midge came back and sat down with them.

"Midge, this is Lee" Scott said.  "What do you do?"

        "I'm a lawyer, corporate law.  It's boring as hell but, eh, what can you do?  Family tradition.  What do you guys do?"

"I'm in music, a little a capella group.  We do okay.  Midge is about to take the art world by storm.  He's amazing."

        "That's really cool.  Must be nice to do something you're really passionate about." Lee said, nibbling on his dinner.

"So do you work with your dad or something?  Have your name in the title of the law firm?" Scott asked.

        "Yeah, actually I do.  Although now it's 'Kilmer, Grande,  Johnson and Kilmer' which is about the funniest thing I've ever heard although none of the old guys seem to get the joke."

        "Tell them what Johnson was doing in the meeting today.  He texted me and I almost DIED." Zac said, turning pink.

        "He kept saying 'Now gentlemen, we what we need now is a new direction' but ALL I could hear was 'what we need is a nude erection'.  I had to excuse myself and go in the freaking break room to laugh my ass off.  I will never be able to hear those two words without losing it."

"OH GOD I would have literally DIED" Scott said, holding his stomach.  "Nude erection.  Hell, maybe that's what he meant.  Freudian slip or something."

        "I wish" said Lee, grinning.  "They're so straight-laced they didn't even get it.  They are oblivious."

Scott grabbed his coffee and leaned back on the couch just as the lights went out.  "Shit."

"NO!" Midge exlaimed.

"It's okay.  Where's your phone?"  He took it from Midge and turned the light on, putting it on the couch between them.  "Well, it was nice while it lasted."

        Zac turned his on as well after unplugging it from the charger he had been borrowing.  "Glad I charged it up a little.  Want us to head out?"

"No need, it's up to you.  We could always play a game."

"A game?!  That sounds like fun" Midge said, momentarily distracted.

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