Chapter 44 -- Accept

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****This is very, very PG-13 and not absolutely necessary to read.  You can skip if you'd like.

When they crawled in bed that night, Midge propped his head up on his elbow.  "Scott?"

"Yes Midgey?" he asked, arranging the blankets around Midge's back.

"I would like to say something that I should not say, but that I think you may want to hear.  I am not sure what to do."

"If you want to say it, you should.  If I want to hear it that's just a bonus."  Midge blushed and he watched, becoming more curious by the second.

"It is impertinent and unnecessary but I... never mind."  he sighed and lay his head down on Scott's chest.

'Please tell me."

"I would like to make sure that you know I do not mind if you use me.  It is your right, of course, but I worried... I do not know."

"Don't know what Midge?"

"If you do not use me because you do not want me, or if you think you should not for some reason."

"I do want you, trust me, that is NOT an issue.  But I won't even consider it until you stop calling it that."

Midge rolled his words over, thinking.  "How would you prefer me to say it?"

"I think you're being honest, and that's how you see it so you can call it being 'used', it's fine.  But I won't use you, ever.  Maybe in time you'll think of it differently, and when you do we'll work it out."

Midge wasn't sure why he had a lump in his chest, but it was there.  "I would like to please you."

"And I would like to please you." Scott kissed his forehead and then leaned down to meet his lips.

Midge didn't stop though, he was soon rolled on top of Scott, his weight resting on his outstretched arms as he hovered above him.  "But you will not... you do not desire... I do not KNOW what to call it.  To fuck me?  I do not like that word but I will use it if you prefer it."

"I'm not going to fuck you either.  Although that's a lot better than 'use' in my book.  And that's not at ALL what I said.  I have never wanted anyone so much."  He ran his hands up and down his back, threading one up through his hair as Midge rolled his head back for more contact.

Midge rocked his hips against Scott lazily, enjoying the friction.  "I enjoyed the other night, when we played.  When you played with me.  I would like more.  You will tell me if I am too forward?  My mouth gets me in trouble sometimes."

"I love your mouth and everything that comes out of it almost as much as I like going IN it" he answered, chuckling.  He reached his hands down and cupped MIdge's ass, pulling him down to grind against him.

"But I can make you feel good in other ways."

"Mmmhmm, I know."

"But you do not want to?"  He was rocking his hips faster now, leaning down to get as much contact as possible.

"Do you want to?" Scott asked, bucking his hips upwards.

"Yes.... I think so.  I.... I want to make you feel good.  I want to be yours."

"When I think you can actually give yourself to me, I will be more than ready" he answered, reaching down to grab Midge in his hand, stroking him slowly.

"But ooooh yes, I.... But you said it was my body so if it is mine, it is mine to give, yes?"

"Mmm, that sounds very good.  Much closer.  Yes.  It is yours to give."

"Then I give it to you, my Scott."  He leaned down and flicked his tongue over his nipple, then sucked the small peak into his mouth.  "If you want it."

Scott rolled over, taking Midge with him so he ended up beneath him.  "I want to make love to you."

"You and your words of love."

"You used them the other day, you said Misty loved Sebastian."

"I said it because it was the easiest way to explain and I knew that you would understand it that way."

"But you don't, what?  Believe in it?  Feel it?  What?"

"I do not know but I know that I want to pleasure you, and for you to pleasure me, because it will make us happy and I want to make you happy more than anything else I can think of.  I want to belong to you in all the ways I can and this is important to me."

"It's very important to me, too. How do I know if you're ready?  I have wanted you since the day I met you, well, once I realized you weren't crazy" he joked.

Midge leaned up and nipped at his shoulder, running his tongue along his neck.  His tail curled around Scott's thigh and his hands ran down his sides.  "Please?" he asked.

"I won't take, but if you want to give yourself to me...."  He sank back down towards his knees, trailing kisses down his chest and stomach.  "I accept."

***** For those of you who are thirsty (which judging by the last private chapter is MOST of you lol)  I'll write what happens next in chapter 44 and a half and post it as private.

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