Broken Bonds

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"Bro... you have to..."

"No, sis, you know why I don't do these things!"

"But... this is dire!"

"I... I don't... I don't want to end up like Dad... using my power to the point I shatter-"

"He did it to protecting us... I saw what he went through... please... bro... he had that birth mark similar to ours, but... Nurse Joy said he dying slowly... I don't want to watch someone else die knowing that there's a method to save them..."

"What happened?"


What. Happened. To. Him? I want to know what happened. You give me the info... I WILL (maybe) heal him completely. So tell me."

. . . Okay, I don't know the full situation, but I saw most of it.

. . . It went like this."
Flashback; third person P.O.V.

Ash was looking over the lake near the Indigo Plateau, as he asked, "So what do you think Pikachu, I think we have a serious chance next league?"

Pikachu nodded, "Pika! Pikachu chu, pika pi!"

Ash nodded, "Right, let's give it our best next time, right? (Chu!)" As they fist bumped.

That's when Ash heard a bush rustle, he stood up quickly, turning to it, he barely caught the colors of pink and white ducking into it, before he or Pikachu could react they heard other footsteps on the path, turning the opposite direction, they were met with Prof. Oak, Ash's mother- Delia, and Ash's traveling companions, Misty and Brock.

In the bush was a girl with albino hair that faded to pink, along with being a year or two older than Ash, sighed in relief at not being noticed.

Ash greeted warmly, "Hey guys, what are you all doing?"

Delia answered calmly, "We came to talk about how you did."

Pikachu's ears perked, something was not right about how she said that.

Ash replied, not picking up on Delia's wording, "Yeah, I fell a little short, I'm going to do even better next year, though... I did fall short, I guess I have to work on Charizard and make sure Team Rocket doesn't tired out half of my team." As he look down.

Misty spoke with an edge that seemed to catch Ash off-guard and unnerved Pikachu, "Maybe it wasn't just Team Rocket's fault that you lost the match."

Ash replied, "What the-what do you mean?!"

Brock replied, something off about him, "It's not just the match, you have been unable to get Charizard to work with you, it represents your own weaknesses and the fact you aren't fit as a trainer."

Ash gasped, "But that isn't true, maybe using Charizard was a little irresponsible, but I had to, even if he didn't help sort of, but it'll be better, I made farther than even Gary and Sarha."

Delia spoke, "Your little stint as a trainer ruined the name of Pallet Town, so don't ever think about coming back."

Ash stared in disbelief, "Wh-what?" While Pikachu's cheeks crackled violently.

Prof. Oak continued, a smirk growing, "And Charizard showed you aren't ready to be a trainer. Your Pokémon will be confiscated and given to other trainers, while your license will be revoked."

Ash stared in disbelief, tears threatening to form, "But w-why, this is my first year, I haven't learned a lot yet, being a trainer has taught me a lot, but why?"

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