New Situations

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Ash was walking through the forest, Iburin following, Iburin whined, "I wish I could've gotten that Togepi..."

The said Pokémon chirped happily in Ash's hands, as he laughed, "Togepi's familiar with me, the girl who took care of him shoved me out of the way when he hatched, and snatched the egg from me every chance she had before he hatched."

"THAT BI-" Iburin covered her mouth quickly, looking around sporadically (to Ash's confusion), before sighed, "How could she, you found the egg, then it's your Pokémon, that's an actual law among breeders, unless the one in possession of the egg gives it away, it can't be made like that. She's breaking a rule even Gym Leaders should know."

Ash laughed nonchalantly, "Well at least I have Togepi now?"

"I guess so..."

"That reminds me, why did you cover your mouth before contining?"

Iburin whispered fearfully, "Because he always knows when I cuss, my brother has to keep a keen watch over me, he punishes me when I cuss... it's really, REALLY scary..." as she released a shiver.

Ash asked, "Is he watching us, right now?"

Iburin responded, "He MIGHT! Bro isn't someone you expect to be watching, even if he's asleep, he might be pretending, but he's 'aware'! he's very scary when he's incited! Especially when enforcing on me and my sisters."

Ash gawked at her, as she giggled, "Not many people know about that, but bro's a bit overbearing toward us... but we love him all the same."

Pika was communicating with Corsi when a net captured both of them, snatching up the duo, as Ash called, "Pikapi!"

Iburin yelped, "Corsi! Who the F-heck!?"

"Ahahahahahah! That is quite the question! We're-!"

"Team Rocket! I thought Giovanni disbanded it!?"

The Meowth of the TRio replied down casted, "He did, we're taking orders from Executive Archer. We're here to steal all Pokémon you own, with Pikachu and this strange white Pokémon."

Ash felt anger surge through him, as Shirufu watched the situation, his expression seemingly curious, like Ash was an experiment, 'It seems like the MEB is affecting Gold's emotions, I wonder how far this substance will go with him..."

Ash spoke, anger evident in his voice, "Stand back, Evie, I'll deal with them."

Iburin spoke up, "But-" Ash gave her a harsh glare, his eyes glowing slightly, "Okay, have fun!" as she backed away ten feet, 'Jeez, he's as scary Bro when he's serious... and... his eyes are a coppery-red?'

Shirufu mused, 'Huh, it gave him an aggressive attitude, reminds me of when I first got injected...' as he tossed a Pokéball into the air, 'I wonder what would happen if he was put in a situation where he was unable to maintain the energy, would his mind deteriorate like subject J-4...?'

Facing them, Ash called, "I'm gonna make sure you never do what you pulled with the League!" his eyes were starting to glow even more with red mixed in with the copper.

Jessie questioned, "Does the twerp seemed different today?"

James responded, "Yeah, but I don't know what."

Meowth yelled, "Hey! Focus on stealing the Twerp's and the New Twerp's Pokémon!"

That got their attention, "You're right!" as they release all their Pokémon, Jessie's being Arbok and Lickitung, while James released Weezing and Victreebel, the latter which swallowed half of James' body, as the blunette struggle.

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