A New Chance

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Ash's P.O.V.

I looked around, confused, there was a void surrounding me, before something happened, I was seeing in a stadium, storm clouds looming over the arena, with numerous Pokémon fight with Pokémon from each of their, even some of my own Pokémon were fighting... except for one...

Pikachu was being repeatedly slapped by another Pikachu. But the other Pikachu was weakening and starting to cry. Then there was a massive crash, with pink and purple colliding in the middle of the arena, blowing everyone away.

When the dust settled, two feline-like Pokémon, one pink with blue eyes and a pink energy surrounding it, the other was human-like, being white with purple, having purple eyes and a purple energy surrounding it. As they prepared one final blast, to my shock, I saw myself running.

"You've got to stop right now!"

The two force were launched, as 'I' arrived to the center of the stadium, the me yelled, "STOP!" As he was swallowed by the energy, causing the blast to roar in all direction.

After it cleared, I saw myself become stone, then shortly after, get healed by tears of all the Pokémon, as the me's body became blue and then regular colors, that's when pain surged in my whole body, as the scene faded.
Breathing heavily, I begun seeing things, at first it was a blue version of the small pink feline, teleporting all my Pokémon away, before seeing Prof. Oak scurrying all around, searching for something, before yelled, "Where are those Pokémon at!" I smiled at that.
The scene changed, before showing what looked like a war between three big birds, the first was blue with frost coming off it's body. The second was yellow with lightning-like wings, lightning crackling violently around it. The final one was yellow, but it's body combusted with flame and embers. They all changed to spheres of a blue, yellow and red respectively with elements in them, before merging into a single giant Pokémon silhouette that had characteristics of a dragon, bird and pleoseosaurus.
The next thing I see is a lab with numerous Pokémon in various rooms, then all I see is a shivering Eevee with stitches all over it's body, it's fur rugged, lighter color of brown than I recall, with it's tail resembling what reminds me of a slightly torn flower. I wanted to go and comfort before everything darkened.
It changed to an event involving the purple human-feline, Mewtwo, I think his name was, along with an army of Pokémon from before. As helicopter with an 'R' styled differently from the Team Rocket I'm familiar with, approaching quickly.
The next scene was of my Charizard roaring defiantly at a canine like Pokémon, who roared back with a pressure I'm can feel right now.
I saw a massive tree on a mountain range, along with a blue canine with spikes coming from the backs of it's hands and it's chest, where tellow covered his upper torso, the scary part was his piercing red/gold eyes.
Next, I see a woman with gray hair on a blue lizard Pokemon with red wings, her eyes were on a little Pokémon that reminded me vaguely of the blue Pokémon from earlier. It was strange, I felt like I knew this little Pokémon, like 'he' was a part of me.
The thing I viewed was two dragons, one surrounded by blue lightning while the other was a color of pink flames, there were two individuals with the dragon, both with a strange symbol on a breast pocket, one of them was a boy with green hair and a black hat surrounded by flames, while the other was a girl with straight white-silver hair, surrounded by lightning. Eventually the figures and Pokémon disappeared, while the flames and lightning seemed to merge, before shifting to gray crystal, as I heard a voice, "I wait for you to show your true power, my Chosen One." As everything faded into yellow eyes, one of white flames, the other of black lightning.
The next I see is a frog-like Pokémon with white substance around his neck. To my shock, he looked up at me, before I heard, "If you won't come to me... I'll find you..."
The final thing a begun forming was a destroyed tower, with him trying to move, before trying to move, only to meet an incredible resistance and cold metal, turning my head, as I heard a voice, "You have been chosen... to lead this world to a new future..." as weird bugs surrounded me, as one went in front of me, before the last thing I recall was bright red and purple, with a surge of pain.
Normal P.O.V.

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