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Slender fingers delicately fiddle with the bottom of her dirty tunic, gently tracing the small stains of blood and dirt that decorate the fabric. Alya keeps her head down as she does this, sitting in the corner of the cockpit. An hour after her small episode with the Child, the Mandalorian had awoken and taken control of the ship.

Only the occasional flips of switches and coos of the Child were heard as the trio sat in the cockpit. The silence created an ideal place for the Jedi to mediate, but instead she simply allowed the Code to repeat in her mind as she kept her hands busy.

The Child stands on the control panel, next to the seated Mandalorian who is piloting the ship through space. When the bounty hunter had first entered the cockpit and found the Jedi cradling the sleeping Child, he was a touch thrown off.

The Mandalorian had never seen the woman show much emotion, other than a small smile or frown, so when he saw the fierce amount of dedication and care in the woman's eyes as she gazed upon the Child, he knew that she was more than just a Jedi.

From tales he had heard from others, Jedi are seen as neutral but powerful force. Much like the Madalorians, Jedi follow a strict code until death but could come from all different backgrounds. Mandalorians and Jedi have their similarities, but their differences were what created the Mandalorian-Jedi War hundreds of years ago.

The Mandalorian could only hope that the conflicts between their ancestors wouldn't effect the current times; that the two would be able to properly work together to secure safety.

A small rumble rolls through the ship as the ever curious Child flips a switch on the control panel. Glancing over at the Child, the Mandalorian swiftly counteracts the Child's button-pressing. In response the Child pushes yet another button.

"Stop touching things."

At the Mandalorian's words the Child turns his head to glance at the neutral man. Despite hearing the disruption, Alya knows that the Mandalorian can handle the Child so she keeps her eyes on her tunic and mind on the Jedi Code.

Knowing that the Mandalorian wouldn't stop him, the Child slowly reaches over to press another button. After pressing the button, the ship begins to shake and the Mandalorian quickly reaches over to fix the problem.

After the ship stops shaking the Mandalorian takes the Child away from the control panel to keep him from pressing anymore buttons.

"Did he do this when you were piloting?" The Mandalorian questions the silent Jedi as he secures the Child in his arm. Alya looks up from her tunic to see the giggling Child and straightened shoulders of the Mandalorian.

"He knew not to do it when I was watching him."

Alya's clear statement caused the Mandalorian to glance down at the troublesome child he holds. As the Jedi's dark eyes watch the man and child, she imagines a deadpan look gracing the face underneath the helmet.

The Mandalorian says nothing in response and looks over to the console to continue his search for a viable planet for them to take refuge, which he had been doing since he took control of the ship.

"Have you found any?" The Jedi asks curiously, referencing the Mandalorian's search. Taking a second, the bounty hunter soon crafts his response.

"I think so. Sorgan. It looks like there's no star port, no industrial centers, no population density. A real backwater skug hole."

The Jedi hums and leans forward, taking in the information. "It sounds perfect for us."

"Exactly," the Mandalorian looks down at the Child. "You ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple months, you little womp rat?"

Alya releases a small, barely audible snort at the endearing name. The Mandalorian looks over at the ragged Jedi who sits behind him, taking in her ruined tunic.

"We should probably get you a new tunic." The bloodstains on the woman's shirt would no doubt cause a great deal of suspicion to be pointed in the trio's direction. Alya glances down at her tunic and nods her head in agreement.

"I think I have an old cloak in a compartment somewhere; I'll find it once we land. That should at least cover your tunic until you can get another one.

Alya nods her head, looking down at her bare arms that have small scars scattered on them from her time as a Padawan. "That would be good. Thank you."


A light thud shudders through the ship as the Mandalorian lands in a large, green clearing of the planet. Alya glances out the windows at the lush greenery that decorates the planet, making it seem serene and the perfect place for hiding.

The Mandalorian turns off the ship before securing his hands around the Child and lifting him up. Standing up from his seat, the bounty hunter places the Child upon Alya's empty lap.

"I'm gonna go out there and look around. It shouldn't take too long." The man explains his plan simply to the Jedi, leaving no room for argument. The Child in Alya's lap whines slightly while reaching up to the Mandalorian.

"Watch the kid while I find us some lodging, once I do, I will come back for you."

"Alright." The Jedi nods in head, accepting the Mandalorian's plan. The Child coos slightly as he continues to reach up to the retreating Mandalorian.

"Great." The Mandalorian turns and the automatic door closes behind the man.

Alya looks through the window again, taking in the view. A small disturbance in the area reaches her being as her eyes delicately scan the horizon. Despite it being small, Alya could feel the call for help run through her soul.

Swift hands pick up the Child from her lap as the Jedi stands and balances the Child on her hip. The Child coos happily as he realizes that the duo will be going the Mandalorian.

Making her way through the automatic door and towards the ladder that leads to the lower level of the ship. Climbing down slowly, Alya keeps a secure hold on the Child with one hand while using grips the ladder.

Reaching the bottom, dark eyes scan the space. A larger brown fabric catches the woman's eye and she approaches it.

Lying in the corner, the Jedi uses her free hand to pick up the cloak. She swiftly secures it around her shoulder, the fabric uncomfortable as it scratches against her bandages. Switching the Child to her other side, Alya ensures that both the Child and her bloodied tunic are hidden by the cloak.

Coos come from the inside of her cloak as her feet lead her towards the exit of the ship. The tall stature of the Mandalorian greets her gaze as she quietly approaches. No words of greeting exit the Jedi's mouth as she stands near the Mandalorian.

The inside of the ship is soon bathed in natural sunlight as the hatch opens and reveals the trees of the planet. Alya closes her eyes briefly as she feels the natural air rush against her, greeting her in a way that only nature can.

Her eyes open as the Mandalorian turns his head and sees the cloaked Jedi. He simply sighs, knowing he wouldn't be able to talk the headstrong woman into staying on the ship/

"You might require assistance." Alya says, covering up her true reason as to why she is leaving the ship. The Jedi knows that the Mandalorian would be fine without her help, but the people who created that call of distress needed her help. It is her duty to help them, no matter what her current situation is.

The Mandalorian says nothing in response as he begins to walk away from the ship. Alya follows after, remaining side-by-side with the man as the trees tower over them. Coos erupt from inside her cloak as the Child finds himself entertain with the bright colors of their surroundings.

In the silence of the forest, near the Mandalorian and Child, the Jedi feels serenity.


A/N: Merry Late Christmas to all of you! Happy Holidays!!!
I hope y'all enjoyed and I'm so sorry about the wait!

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