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Sad eyes gaze upon the dying figure lying in the small bed. The figure of her mentor, while normally small, seemed even smaller to Alya in this moment.

Her mentor was never supposed to be this sick, to look this frail. He was supposed to continue on teaching her the ways of the Jedi while confusing her with stories of older times. He was not supposed to die.

The small, green hand of her mentor grabs Alya's hers. The woman, who had previously been hopelessly staring at her bedridden mentor, snapped out of her stupor. She focused her eyes quickly back on him after she rubbed them of their tears.

"Sad, are you not?" Yoda questions the Jedi Padawan as he looks upon her. His eyes meet weary, red ones and he gives a smile. "Sad, you should not be, for such is the way of life to die."

"I know, Master Yoda, but-" the brunette stutters for words. "You still have so much to teach me and tell me. How will I go on without you?"

The old alien gave the distraught woman a smile and gently patted her hand with his. "Strong, you are. Need me, you do not. Jedi are you now and without me, you must go on."

"Master, how can I- how will I know what to do? There are only so many Jedi left and there will be no more guidance." Alya's face contorted with worry as she continued to look down. More tears had sprouted near the corners of her eyes. She has always been more emotional than she should have been.

"Fear, you must never have. Still with you, I will be. Follow the Force, you must." Yoda's grip in his Padawan's hand was beginning to get weaker. Akira knew that he would be leaving her soon.

"A favor, I must ask." Yoda was looking quite intently at the woman he raised since her teens.

"Of course, Master Yoda. Anything" Alya is gripping onto the hand of her parental figure with sad eyes as he makes his final request.

"A child there is, much like me. Find it, you must."

Confusion quickly fills all of Alya's mind as she attempts to understand what Yoda said.

"A child? What do you mean? I don't understand." Yoda's grip is becoming less firm. He will be slipping away soon, Alya knows.

"Rest, I must get. Skywalker you must let in to speak."

Knowing that Luke Skywalker, a fellow Jedi, stood outside the door, Alya knew Yoda wishes to speak to him. To have his moment with him before his passing.

"Yes, Master- I must thank you for everything you have given me. For guiding me and raising me."

Yoda gives a soft smile to the girl as she stands. She will do amazing things as a Jedi.

"Find the child you will. Proud you have made me, Young Alya."


A/N: What's up? The Mandalorian has captured my heart so fanfiction time. Should I actually continue this or just let it sit in my drafts?

Reminder: I do not own any of the amazing characters of The Mandalorian. Them and the plot belong to Disney. I only own my Oc.

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