Chapter 26 ~ The Plane

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Warning: A Few Swears

As the plane was getting ready to depart and Happy was walking away with a smile upon his face, Vulture was on his way to get it. A section of the building was demolished by the time Vulture had left. People would automatically assume that an indoor eruption happened to cause it to look the way it did. Although, you and Peter were both trapped inside and no one from outside or at the homecoming dance would know.

Peter started to struggle with some huge cement blocks that had happened to land on his back. Grunting from pain and a bit of frustration, he tried pushing them off. Ripping off his mask, he gasped in pain. "Sparrow!" He yelled out and there was no response once he did. It was silent as he called out again. No response again. So he automatically thought you were unconscious but right when he was going to call out one more time, he started to hear coughs. "Sparrow?" He said and you replied back in a near tired tone. "I'm here Spider."

"Are you okay?" He asked and you struggled to move a few pieces yourself. "Y-Yeah. I think so." You replied and placed a hand down on one of the rocks to your right, facing towards Peter's direction. Using some of your power, you started to bring forth vines. You could hear Peter in the background struggling as well and trying his best not to panic. Peter called out to see if anyone else was around to help you two but the realized nobody was.

The vine grabbed onto one of the rocks and started to pull. You weren't expecting, however, a chain reaction and when the rock got pulled, another heavy one landed on your back; pinning you to the ground. Peter witness the whole thing. "Fucking..." he heard you say after a small gasp. Then tree stumps started to emerge from the ground and slowly push off the rocks that were on you. Peter took a look into a little puddle near him and reflected on what Tony had told him earlier.

 Peter took a look into a little puddle near him and reflected on what Tony had told him earlier

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That's when he started to believe more in himself by muttering "Come on Peter. Come on Spider-Man." Placing his hands on the cement blocks that were on him, he started to push them upward. He kept repeating the same set of words over and over to himself as he tried and was finally able to stand a little; pushing the rest of the blocks up and past him.

After he got them off, he saw you start to break out of your spot and ran over to help. The cut on your forehead was slightly deeper but nothing too bad. Pushing off the last set of rocks off of you, he pulled you up. "Thanks." You replied and looked around you. Both of you had your faces dirty and your mask had a small crack towards the nose area. "Are you Alright?" You asked this time. "I was going to ask you that." He said and you shook your head. "You already did but answer the question." He sighed lightly but nodded. "Come on. We still need to stop him." You stated.

You both pushed off a piece of the structure that was in your way and you hear Peter cough beside you. Grabbing his arm, you looped one of the vines that you had made towards another sturdy structure before pulling him up with you and out of the broken building. "Lets go!" You told him and started to run but he grabbed you by the waist once he spotted Vulture and webbed on of his wings. "I see the plane. Feel a little resistance." Vulture states in his suit to a person.

As soon as Vulture latched on, you yelled at Peter to toss you upward. "Are you sure?!" He yelled back. "Positive!" You replied and he tossed you up. Using a weapon of yours, you reached the top and latched on yourself. Peter informed you on what Vulture was doing and you tied a vine at the other wing, before throwing yourself off the plane and swinging straight into the/pink transparent opening Vulture used. You spotted him in the cockpit. Running towards the area, you heard him say "cloning transponder."

"Not today." You gritted and grabbed on the top of the doorway before using both of your feet to kick him back onto the control panel. "I thought I killed you." He replied. The two of you started to battle it out and he got you towards the boxes and where they were placed. He threw you on the ground but you swept his feet and made him fall. On your way up, you got kicked to the side and watched him take of part of his mask as he walked over to the boxes so he could choose one to take. "Hot dog." He said smiling as he started to walk around the boxes that were grouped up.

He was looking through each box to see what he'll want to take and which he liked better when an alarm started to sound. Your mind went straight to Peter. It had to be him. Vulture went towards a nearby camera that was on a wall as you made your way towards the direction near the entrance where you came. "Peter!" You yelled out of the entrance once you made it. Peter heard you but Vulture caught up to you and kicked you through it. You screamed as you fell but Peter webbed you as soon as he saw. Vulture jumped back into his suit.

Peter pulled you up until you were able to latch back on to the plane. Meanwhile Vulture was flying around. "Just a typical homecoming while on an invisible plane." Peter said to himself more as he made his way up. Looking up, you saw Vulture heading straight for him. "Peter watch out!" You yelled and Peter looked up just in time to see the man break part of the plane. Peter managed to web him and get pulled away but he webbed the plane also. You spotted this and jumped up to where the webbing on the plane was. Grabbing ahold of it, you started to pull both of them backwards towards the plane and you. "Come on.." You grunted.

The web snapped and both of them went flying back but you were still on the plane. Peter was safe after he threw off the engine so he couldn't get hurt. Vulture got his wing damaged but got back up and flew straight towards the plane. Getting back on the plane, he went straight for Peter. "No!" You yelled as you saw Vulture trying to throw Peter off. Getting at the top of the plane, you ran towards him and jumped in the man. Your hands were placed on his helmet, causing him to seat his arms around. "Leave him the fuck alone!" You said.

Peter was hanging on as vulture punched the side of your torso. You grunted in pain but then he head budded you which caused you to let go and fall back on your butt. "Your loosing altitude! Get out of there!" The man in the suit told Vulture and Vulture responded back by saying "I'm not leaving empty handed!" Then he started to damage the plane more with his wings so he could get inside and get what he really wanted.

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